There is some issues with fetching all the history from MtGox api.
I've prepared a script which joins trades history from bitcoincharts csv and mtgox recent trades to full set.
Output format supported are csv and sqlite db, configurable.
CSV separator and decimal mark configurable.
Support other currencies.
SSL support.
Open source.
environment: (
script (v1.3): to use:
1. open R
2. open script
3. if using first time after installation run commented "install.packages" function call, else skip this function call
Actually it is a bit more complicated on some platforms
Better you should go to "package installer" in 'R' and ensure the following are loaded and updated.
4. adjust params if needed: mtgox currency, output types (csv,sqlite), csv config
5. run the full script
6. wait until it will download and dump to files
7. look for .csv and/or .db files in R working directory (default on windows /Documents)
- downloading mtgoxUSD history from bitcoincharts: ~10min
- downloading mtgoxUSD recent trades from mtgox: ~5sec
- transform and merge: ~1min
- save to csv: ~1.5min (~296mb)
- save to sqlite: ~1min (~225mb, not compressed)
please report any bugs you will find