
Topic: Mt.Gox wallet movement connected to Futures contracts?(16k bitcoin movement) (Read 110 times)

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Hi to all guys, as you can see i'm a newbie, but not really, because i decided to register here today, after years of just-reading in bitcointalk, and after years of movements in the crypto world. I did it because i think that now more than ever the Bitcoin community, no, sorry, the entire Crypto community needs to grow up, driven by experienced and realist people that give to the community a positive contribution. I'm not telling that i'm that experienced-realist person but surely i'm more experienced, educated and positive of the 95% of this forum users. My only problem is a little lack of english, but i think that is so little that all of you will always understand what i write.

However, as you saw, the market was afflicted in the last months by a bearish sentiment driven initially from the greed of people that exited with all their profits during the last week of December, and later in my opinion from the institutional entered in bitcoin for pump/dump and profit with the help of the futures, and thanks to this bearish situation we had a bottom price of 6000$. Ok, we have a clear vision of what happened because it's called "the past" and now we can see that, but what's happening now?

Around 2 Weeks ago as we know the entire crypto market had a notable growth and as in my experience i felt we have touched the bottom with the price of 6000$ i entered again with most of my funds as i felt bullish with the short-time bitcoin future, because the price was little compared to it's max peak, because the 14 may it will be the Consensus congress and bla bla bla.

Until yesterday night i thought all was going through the plan. The Bitcoin price rised slowly and had its peak to around 9750$, and after that a huge amounts of sell orders was done and the price came back in hours to the previous resistance price( 8700$-8900$). I just though "Ok, somebody is gonna take his profits, it's just normal after that price jump.  Today all the attempts to an increase of price were just stopped by "somebody or something" not natural in the market, because why if we were reaching a five digits price 2 days ago can't we now really reach it and surpass it like in past? Was i the only that i felt that bullish sentiment? No, i think that all of us felt that bullish sentiment.

And today, when i was thinking at the reasons of that price stop i was hitted by a News.(I hope we all heard of that)
From the Mt. Gox wallet exited exactly 16.000BTC , as you can see here(if you don't want to open the image link just google "16k bitcoin mt gox" and in the last hours news you will see alot of articles talking about it)

That's surely a huge amount of Bitcoin, that if sold with hidden modalities could drive the price down, really down, maybe to the last bottom, maybe also more deep, and we know of that address because it's a well known address, we can't know if other "big players" are ready to move huge amounts of Bitcoin for making a new positive or negative price fluctuation.
We also know that there is a huge connection through the Bitcoin price and the Futures contracts and guess what?
I can't find all the informations i need about futures to value the next market move. These contracts(Futures) exist, but nobody is speaking about them, nobody really knows them. I can't even find the expiration date of the last contract. It seems that these informations are hidden to us... like they don't want us to connect every piece of the puzzle to see the entire situation of this Market.

I think that the Mt.Gox trancsations are related to some big movement from the institutional, but i can't say it for sure, because i can't see the entire puzzle image.
What are for you the reasons of that 16.000BTC movement? What do you know about the connection between this price jump and the Futures contracts? If you want to help me, and the community write what you know, or what you think about that. Don't let the "big players" do their game hiddenly earning billions and billions damaging the new crypto users.
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