Activity: 896
Merit: 1000
各 位
代表取締役 カルプレス・マルク・マリ・ロベート
当社は,本日,東京地方裁判所に民事再生手続開始の申立を行い,受理されました。また,裁判所からは,当社が債務を弁済すること,資産の譲渡をすること,資産について担保設定をすることを禁止する保全処分,当社の資産に対する債権者による強制執行を包括的に禁止する命令,監督委員による監督を命ずる監督命令,調査委員による調査を命ずる調査命令を受けておりますので,下記のとおり,お知らせいたします。 このような事態となり,ユーザーの皆様,その他関係各位の皆様に対しまして多大なご迷惑とご心配をおかけするところとなり,誠に申し訳なく,深くお詫び申し上げます。 当社は,裁判所の上記の命令を完全に遵守していきますので,今後財産はきちんと保全されて参ります。
(1) 現時点で認識している当社の財務状況は以下のとおりであり,債務超過の状況にあると判断しております。
資産総額 3,841,866,163円
流動負債総額 6,501,119,371円
(2) 当社の流動負債が増大した背景には,ビットコインの消失,預り金の消失という原因が考えられ,これについては,専門家による調査を依頼する等して真相の解明に全力であたります。申立の契機となったトラブルについては,以下のとおりです。
また,同月24日,ユーザーからの現実の預り金の総額と,かかる預り金を管理している金融機関への預金残高の総額に多額の齟齬があり,預金残高が大幅に不足していること(金額は調査中であり変動する可能性が高いが最大約28億円程度)が判明しました。 当社は上記問題の原因は現在調査中ですが,第三者によるハッキングによる被害を含めて,複数の原因があると見込まれるため,原因究明のためには過去の膨大な取引を調査する必要があります。そのため,現時点では,問題の原因はおろか,なくなったビットコインの総数や預り金残高に対して不足している預金残高の額も確定できておりません。
(1)申 立 日 平成26年2月28日
(2)管轄裁判所 東京地方裁判所
(3)申立代理人 ベーカー&マッケンジー法律事務所(外国法共同事業)
弁護士 山本英幸,同 末冨純子
弁護士法人 淀屋橋・山上合同
弁護士 四宮章夫,同 川井一将
(4)監督委員 長島・大野・常松法律事務所 小林信明 弁護士
(5)調査委員 同上
(6)事件番号 平成26年(再)第12号 再生手続開始申立事件
電話番号 03-4588-3921(日本語対応)
電話番号 03-4588-3922(英語対応)
受付時間 月曜日~金曜日 午前10時~午後5時
[Translation from the Japanese]
February 28, 2014
To anyone concerned
Mark Karpeles
Representative Director
MtGox Co., Ltd.
Shibuya 2-11-5
Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
MtGox Co., Ltd. made today an application for commencement of a procedure of civil rehabilitation (minji saisei) at the Tokyo District Court. This application was accepted on the same day. Further, MtGox Co., Ltd is under several orders issued by the Court : a preservative order prohibiting it from paying its debts, transferring its assets or establishing security over its assets, an order establishing a comprehensive prohibition of forced attachment of its assets by its creditors and a supervisory order ordering supervision by a supervisory committee. In consequence, MtGox hereby informs you as follows.
We first express our most sincere regrets and apologies for this situation and for causing so much inconvenience to all our users and other interested parties. We will fully respect the above orders and maintain our assets with all the necessary care.
Financial situation, reasons and timeline leading to this application
(1) As of now, the liabilities of MtGox Co., Ltd exceed its assets and its financial situation is as follows:
Total amount of assets 3,841,866,163
Total amount of current liabilities 6,501,119,371
(2) The increase of current liabilities may be linked to a loss of bitcoins and customer funds. These are now investigated by an expert and all efforts are made to discover the truth. This application was prompted by the following troubles:
At the start of February 2014, illegal access through the abuse of a bug in the bitcoin system resulted in an increase in incomplete bitcoin transfer transactions and we discovered that there was a possibility that bitcoins had been illicitly moved through the abuse of this bug.
As a result of our internal investigation, we found that a large amount of bitcoins had disappeared. Although the complete extent is not yet known, we found that approximately 750,000 bitcoins deposited by users and approximately 100,000 bitcoins belonging to us had disappeared.
We believe that there is a high probability that these bitcoins were stolen as a result of an abuse of this bug and we have asked an expert to look at the possibility of a criminal complaint and undertake proper procedures.
On the same day (24th), we found out large discrepancies between the amount of cash held in financial institutions and the amount deposited from our users. The amounts are still under investigation and may vary but they approximate JPY 2.8 billion.
We are investigating the causes of these problems. Since there are probably a variety of causes including hacking by third parties, we need to investigate a huge amount of transaction reports in order to establish the truth. As of this date, we cannot confirm the exact amount of missing deposit funds and the total amount of bitcoins which disappeared.
Once we discovered that bitcoins had disappeared and the discrepancies between cash funds and deposit balances, we judged that it would be difficult to continue our activities normally and we therefore closed our site at noon on the 25th (Japan time).
(3) Regarding the filing of a complaint or damages report, an expert has been mandated and investigations have started. We will make all efforts to ensure that crimes are punished and damages recovered.
Further we will fully cooperate with inquiries from authorities and investigations related to this matter, in Japan or overseas.
In order to increase repayments to our creditors, it is necessary to explore the possibility of having MtGox Co., Ltd. continue its business. This is why the civil rehabilitation procedure has been chosen, Rebuilding MtGox Co., Ltd under the supervision of the court in a legally organized procedure while giving proper explanations will not be for the sole benefit of the company but for that of the whole bitcoin community.
All efforts will now be made to restore the business and recover damages to repay debts to creditors. We hope for the understanding and cooperation of all.
Outline of the application
(1) Application date February 28, 2014
(2) Jurisdiction Tokyo District Court
(3) Counsel of applicant
Baker & McKenzie (Gaikokuho Joint Enterprise)
Attorney-at-law Junko Suetomi
Attorney-at-law Yamamoto Hideyuki
Yodoyabashi & Yamagami Legal Professional Corporation
Attorney-at-law Akio Shinomiya
Attorney-at-law Kazumasa Kawai
(4) Supervisor Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu
Attorney-at-law Nobuaki Kobayashi
(5) Investigator idem
(6) Case no. 2014 (sai) 12Civil rehabilitation commencement application
Contact information
A call center has been established to respond to all inquiries. The call center is planned to start on March 3, 2014. All inquiries to MtGox Co., Ltd. should be made to the following telephone number:
Telephone number +81 3-4588-3921 (in Japanese)
Telephone number +81 3-4588-3922 (in English)
Working hours Monday to Friday 10am to 5pm (Japan time)
Please refrain from contacting the office of the supervisor/investigator.