
Topic: Multibit Classis Wallet Password Problem (Read 625 times)

Activity: 2
Merit: 0
October 27, 2024, 07:57:25 AM
Good day Peepzz,

I have a question and I really hope that you can help me

I had bought some bitcoins a few years ago and I had them deposited into my Multibit Classic wallet and I haven't looked back on it for a long time. Until some time later I wanted to log in into my wallet again to sell my bitcoins. Having opened the program, I wanted to remove its password so that I could freely get it off and so I entered my password (I thought). I suddenly got the message 'Wallet could not be decrypted' and so days / months / years after that I tried all the possible passwords it could be, to this day, but unfortunately 🙁.

I thought it was very strange and I was almost certain that the problem was no longer my fault. Then I googled for days and searched forums for people also with similar problems. I saw a few pass by who also had problems and if I remember well I saw a response where someone said that there might have been a Multibit database / system crash and that passwords could have crashed in their system??

I still have all wallet files, keys etc on my laptop so I can just open the Multibit Classic program and see my current bitcoins. Thus far it is not a problem but if I would like to do something with the bitcoins, he asks for a password but will not be accepted.

What can I do best in this case?

I hope this message finds you well. I came across your post regarding the difficulty of unlocking your Multibit wallet due to an incorrect password. I am currently facing a similar issue with my own wallet, and I wanted to reach out to see if you were eventually able to resolve it. If so, could you kindly share the method or steps that worked for you?

Thank you very much for your time, and I look forward to any advice you can provide.

Best regards
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
Good day Peepzz,

I have a question and I really hope that you can help me

I had bought some bitcoins a few years ago and I had them deposited into my Multibit Classic wallet and I haven't looked back on it for a long time. Until some time later I wanted to log in into my wallet again to sell my bitcoins. Having opened the program, I wanted to remove its password so that I could freely get it off and so I entered my password (I thought). I suddenly got the message 'Wallet could not be decrypted' and so days / months / years after that I tried all the possible passwords it could be, to this day, but unfortunately 🙁.

I thought it was very strange and I was almost certain that the problem was no longer my fault. Then I googled for days and searched forums for people also with similar problems. I saw a few pass by who also had problems and if I remember well I saw a response where someone said that there might have been a Multibit database / system crash and that passwords could have crashed in their system??

I still have all wallet files, keys etc on my laptop so I can just open the Multibit Classic program and see my current bitcoins. Thus far it is not a problem but if I would like to do something with the bitcoins, he asks for a password but will not be accepted.

What can I do best in this case?
Hi Gardenzzz

I read your post about the issues with password change in Multibit Classic Wallet. I made research about Multibit Classic wallet password change issue so far and developed a program to handle issues.

Let me know if you still have those issues.


Can you really recover the wallet?
Activity: 5
Merit: 0
Good day Peepzz,

I have a question and I really hope that you can help me

I had bought some bitcoins a few years ago and I had them deposited into my Multibit Classic wallet and I haven't looked back on it for a long time. Until some time later I wanted to log in into my wallet again to sell my bitcoins. Having opened the program, I wanted to remove its password so that I could freely get it off and so I entered my password (I thought). I suddenly got the message 'Wallet could not be decrypted' and so days / months / years after that I tried all the possible passwords it could be, to this day, but unfortunately 🙁.

I thought it was very strange and I was almost certain that the problem was no longer my fault. Then I googled for days and searched forums for people also with similar problems. I saw a few pass by who also had problems and if I remember well I saw a response where someone said that there might have been a Multibit database / system crash and that passwords could have crashed in their system??

I still have all wallet files, keys etc on my laptop so I can just open the Multibit Classic program and see my current bitcoins. Thus far it is not a problem but if I would like to do something with the bitcoins, he asks for a password but will not be accepted.

What can I do best in this case?
Hi Gardenzzz

I read your post about the issues with password change in Multibit Classic Wallet. I made research about Multibit Classic wallet password change issue so far and developed a program to handle issues.

Let me know if you still have those issues.

Activity: 9
Merit: 0
January 14, 2024, 03:15:20 PM
Hi, do You recovered it? I hope yes, but if not, try Google me. Smiley J.
Activity: 2086
Merit: 4363
February 26, 2021, 07:51:22 PM
Don't crosspost the same thing in other people's threads... you should really have created your own thread... anyway, I answered on your other post here:
Activity: 12
Merit: 4
February 19, 2021, 08:22:43 AM

J'ai un problème et j'ai besoin de vos lumières  Smiley
J'ai utilisé sur mon mac le logiciel MULTIBIT version ANCIENNE 0.5 il y a des 8 ans. J'avais une adresse Bitcoin que j'ai créé directement sur le logiciel. Je n'utilisai pas de mot de passe pour me connecter à Multibit et je n'ai jamais cliqué su exporter ma clé privé ou le wallet. J'ai utilisé cette adresse pendant une année à envoyer et recevoir des soussous.
Un jour je lance le logiciel et la!! l'adresse n'est plus la même elle a changée ... De ce que j'ai lu sur internet c'était à cause du renouvellement des clés. Par la suite j'ai laissé ça de côté et j'ai supprimer le logiciel.

1- Est ce que si je n'ai pas exporté ma private key ou mon wallet il y aurait pu avoir une exporte lorsque j'ai fait des échanges de soussous ?
2- J'ai fouillé mon MAC, l'emplacement caché du logiciel et rien.
3- J'ai fait des recherches de fichiers supprimées avec des logiciels mais pas de wallet ou de private key..

Comme j'ai fait des échanges, j'ai l'adresse en question. Voilà voilà ...

Pouvez me donner des idées ? des méthodes pour retrouver mes BITCOINS ?

Merci à vous !


I have a problem and I need your lights Smiley
I used MULTIBIT OLD version 0.5 software on my mac 8 years ago. I had a Bitcoin address that I created directly in the software. I did not use a password to connect to Multibit and I never clicked to export my private key or the wallet. I used this address for a year to send and receive subs.
One day I run the software and the !! the address is not the same it has changed ... From what I read on the internet it was because of the renewal of the keys. Then I left that aside and removed the software.

1- If I did not export my private key or my wallet, there could have been an export when I made sub-sub exchanges?
2- I searched my MAC, the hidden location of the software and nothing.
3- I searched for deleted files with software but no wallet or private key.

As I made exchanges, I have the address in question. There you go ...

Can you give me some ideas? methods to find my BITCOINS?

Thank you ! """"
Activity: 1568
Merit: 6660 /
February 18, 2021, 02:00:23 PM
Thank you very much for your reply!! I have the keys extracted from my multibit wallet and they are on my laptop but they are still encrypted. Is it possible to import them into Electrum for example and try to decrypt it there?

Good question. I found a Stack Exchange question asking the same thing. Without opening Multibit, it says to run

openssl enc -d -p -aes-256-cbc -a -in \ -out \ -pass pass:\<password\></pre></div><br />The openssl command is available if you are running Linux or Mac.            </div>

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                <a href="/user/gardenzzz-1322770" title="Profile of Gardenzzz">Gardenzzz</a>            </div>
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                        <a name="msg56382371"></a>                        <a href="/topic/m.56382371">Re: Multibit Classis Wallet Password Problem</a>                    </div>
                    <div class="date">February 18, 2021, 01:01:50 PM</div>
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                    <a href="/topic/m.56382371">#3</a>                </div>
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                <div class="quote-header"><a href="/topic/m.56369691">Quote from: NotATether on February 17, 2021, 04:12:19 AM</a></div><div class="quote">I haven't used multibit before, but it's abandonware and no longer updated now. Your best shot is to get your private keys out of Multibit if you can and use some other supported wallet instead (given that you managed to find this board, you should already that Bitcoin Core and Electrum are options).<br /><br /><div class="quote-header"><a href="/topic/m.20885679">Quote from: Dorky on August 15, 2017, 12:18:46 AM</a></div><div class="quote">Do NOT use Multibit to encrypt your keys.<br />Even it can't decrypt its own encryption.<br />I know because I have such experience.<br />You, the thread starter, are better off exporting the keys and encrypting them directly on your own, like using WinRar or any encryption software that you know to be very reliable (anyone who says WinRar is unreliable and/or untrustworthy, please state the evidence proving that is so).<br />Different wallets may use different methods of encryption and so decrypting the keys may not be compatible between different wallets.<br />Multibit is no longer supported now.<br />You have been warned.<br /><br />Edit:<br /><b>I was lucky I didn't uninstall my Multibit after encrypting my keys with it, so I managed to export the keys unencrypted, and encrypt them myself.</b><br />Or else, I would be in seriously deep shit.<br /></div><br />I bolded the last part because it's extremely important. Whatever you do, do not uninstall Multibit until you exported your keys in plaintext, or you might lose access to them according to the quote!<br /></div><br />Thank you very much for your reply!! I have the keys extracted from my multibit wallet and they are on my laptop but they are still encrypted. Is it possible to import them into Electrum for example and try to decrypt it there?            </div>

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                <a href="/user/notatether-2739424" title="Profile of NotATether">NotATether</a>            </div>
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                    <div class="title">
                        <a name="msg56369691"></a>                        <a href="/topic/m.56369691">Re: Multibit Classis Wallet Password Problem</a>                    </div>
                    <div class="date">February 17, 2021, 04:12:19 AM</div>
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                    <a href="/topic/m.56369691">#2</a>                </div>
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                I haven't used multibit before, but it's abandonware and no longer updated now. Your best shot is to get your private keys out of Multibit if you can and use some other supported wallet instead (given that you managed to find this board, you should already that Bitcoin Core and Electrum are options).<br /><br /><div class="quote-header"><a href="/topic/m.20885679">Quote from: Dorky on August 15, 2017, 12:18:46 AM</a></div><div class="quote">Do NOT use Multibit to encrypt your keys.<br />Even it can't decrypt its own encryption.<br />I know because I have such experience.<br />You, the thread starter, are better off exporting the keys and encrypting them directly on your own, like using WinRar or any encryption software that you know to be very reliable (anyone who says WinRar is unreliable and/or untrustworthy, please state the evidence proving that is so).<br />Different wallets may use different methods of encryption and so decrypting the keys may not be compatible between different wallets.<br />Multibit is no longer supported now.<br />You have been warned.<br /><br />Edit:<br /><b>I was lucky I didn't uninstall my Multibit after encrypting my keys with it, so I managed to export the keys unencrypted, and encrypt them myself.</b><br />Or else, I would be in seriously deep shit.<br /></div><br />I bolded the last part because it's extremely important. Whatever you do, do not uninstall Multibit until you exported your keys in plaintext, or you might lose access to them according to the quote!            </div>

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            <div class="username">
                <a href="/user/gardenzzz-1322770" title="Profile of Gardenzzz">Gardenzzz</a>            </div>
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                    <div class="title">
                        <a name="msg56367462"></a>                        <a href="/topic/m.56367462">Re: Multibit Classis Wallet Password Problem</a>                    </div>
                    <div class="date">February 16, 2021, 08:05:29 PM</div>
                <div class="item-number text-right">
                    <a href="/topic/m.56367462">#1</a>                </div>
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                Good day Peepzz,<br /><br />I have a question and I really hope that you can help me<br /><br />I had bought some bitcoins a few years ago and I had them deposited into my Multibit Classic wallet and I haven't looked back on it for a long time. Until some time later I wanted to log in into my wallet again to sell my bitcoins. Having opened the program, I wanted to remove its password so that I could freely get it off and so I entered my password (I thought). I suddenly got the message 'Wallet could not be decrypted' and so days / months / years after that I tried all the possible passwords it could be, to this day, but unfortunately 🙁. <br /><br />I thought it was very strange and I was almost certain that the problem was no longer my fault. Then I googled for days and searched forums for people also with similar problems. I saw a few pass by who also had problems and if I remember well I saw a response where someone said that there might have been a Multibit database / system crash and that passwords could have crashed in their system??<br /><br />I still have all wallet files, keys etc on my laptop so I can just open the Multibit Classic program and see my current bitcoins. Thus far it is not a problem but if I would like to do something with the bitcoins, he asks for a password but will not be accepted.<br /><br />What can I do best in this case?            </div>
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