I was having trouble sending btc from my trezor yesterday. Using this.
I'm on Win 7 64bit. Was using HD 0.0.7 before. I downloaded and upgraded to 0.0.8. I have the latest firmware from mytrezor.com.
It connects to the Trezor and shows tx history fine. It just doesn't seem to want to send. When I send it stops at the screen on the app which says please confirm. The app is still fine and is responsive. I.e. I can cancel at this point.
On the trezor it's stuck at "signing transaction" but the gears aren't turning. It seems to be frozen also. Have to pull the usb cable out to get it off the screen.
I was able to complete the transaction using mytrezor.com, but I really prefer multibit as it's true spv and independent of a central server.
Any thoughts?
Hi spin,
Thanks for reporting this issue. I wrote the MultiBit Hardware/hid4java libraries which handle the communications between MultiBit HD and Trezor.
It sounds like there might be a comms problem that occurred. Did you visit mytrezor.com while having an unlocked Trezor wallet?
These kind of problems are very difficult to debug without logs, so would you be willing to upload your logs to MultiBit.org for analysis?
In Release 0.1 (coming soon) we will have a built-in encrypted error reporting system, but for now we have to do it manually. Here are the steps:
1. Visit
https://multibit.org and follow the links under the "Verify" section to get Jim's public GPG key. You should see
http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?search=0x79F7C572 and click the link on 0x79F7C572)
2. Use Save As and name the file "multibit-key.asc".
3. Locate the log file covering the day when the problem occurred (see C:\Users\user.name\AppData\Roaming\MultiBitHD\logs on Windows)
4. ZIP the log file(s) up and copy it/them to where you put Jim's key as "error-report.zip"
5. Install GPG if you don't already have it (see
6. Encrypt the ZIP for MultiBit.org as follows
gpg --import multibit-key.asc
gpg --recipient
[email protected] --encrypt error-report.zip
7. Send the report to Jim and he'll arrange for it to be forwarded to me
8. I'll post an update here containing a link to our issue database or a better analysis of the problem
Kind regards,