Ahhhhh ok... Electrum tends to show just the transaction fee when it detects a transaction that sends funds to purely to yourself... ie. you're sending to one of your own receive addresses.
Rather than show 1 send transaction and 1 receive transaction... Electrum rolls them into one transaction and shows the total "net" effect to the wallet balance... which will just be the cost of the transaction fee.
ie. if I have myWalletAddressA and myWalletAddressB... and I currently have 0.25 BTC in my wallet... and I send 0.1 BTC with a fee of 0.00001000 BTC from A to B... Electrum will show 1 transaction as being -0.00001000 BTC.
I've also noticed that some wallets do not include in the "Transaction fee" in the "amount spent"... they show how much you sent to the other address in the history, but the transaction fee isn't included. This can throw manual calculations out if you don't remember to include the fee.
For instance... looking at the spreadsheet:
- BRD says you sent: 0.080
27553 to "1BHr2yT4yG8d..." and the fee was 0.0001
- Whereas Electrum says you spent a total of: 0.080
Electrum includes the fee in the amount being deducted from your balance... it's not the amount you actually sent to someone, as it is (amount sent + transaction fee). Whereas BRD is "splitting" the 2 items out into separate amounts.
This also explains the "differences" that you have highlighted in the transactions here:
Electrum is including the transaction fee in the amount spent... where BRD (slow and fast) have separated it into: amount sent to other person and the transaction fee. So if you add the transaction fee to the amount sent, you get the same value as Electrum.
For the transactions highlighted here... I think I know what the issue is:
It seems that BRD "Fast" is sometimes not detecting the "change" coming back to your wallet for some reason??!?
Electrum seems to have detected that in this transaction:
086a3c5c65715ef8c8d0e30a32d8e0c419b9b65978691a75ee2b2e282a5e7e07You sent: 0.0001 to 175BpxeLwANJzakLdZaZW4Vs9K3V5sdeoF... and the rest of the 0.10111943 BTC INPUT was split between the 0.0001 transaction fee... and 0.10091943 BTC going back to your wallet as "change".
Whereas, BRD Fast seems to think that you spent the entire amount... ie. both the receive addresses are being treated by BRD fast as being "External"...
BRD Slow seems to have worked it out ok... and is showing 0.0001 being sent + 0.0001 fee... total spent = 0.0002... just like Electrum.
BRD Fast seems to have done the same thing in the next transaction where you spent the change from above:
f79f75508afda9bbab420d039b63f7478232148679f2e3bbe7355d5b4e358cceIt thinks the whole lot has been spent... rather than just 0.0003 + 0.0001 transaction fee (and rest as "change")... BRD Fast thinks you "spent" the entire amount to external addresses + transaction fee.
Why BRD Fast is doing this I do not know... perhaps the change address that was used by MultitBit was out past the BRD "change address gap limit"?
Or the "Fast Sync" isn't pregenerating enough addresses to detect "change" properly or something?
I really don't know, you'd need to contact the BRD devs and ask them.
Anyway, given what I'm seeing from your spreadsheet (and my personal experience with Electrum) I would say that I am inclined to believe that the balance being displayed by Electrum is likely to be more reliable than BRD Fast... BRD Slow would also seem to be "OK".