please help me understand this.
1. during the installation of multibit HD i wrote down the so called "wallet words".
2. with this wallet word i can restore my wallet.
Q1: if i forget the password of the wallet i can restore it with the wallet words?
3. to every BTC-Address there is a pair of keys.
Q2: is this correct?
Yes, there is a public key and a private key for every address.
4. i have a wallet and within this wallet i can have any number of addresses.
Q3: correct?
Correct, a very high number of address (>10k) might slow things down though
Q4: all these addresses are restorable with the wallet words?
Q5: which part/files do i have to backup exactly?
There are several types of backups, see here ->
https://multibit.org/en/help/hd0.1/backups.htmland the last question.
Q6: if know the wallet words. i make a backup today. tomorrow i generate a new address to receive a payment. then my pc gets lost. can i claim the BTC a received with the address generated after the i made the backup?
Yes. The wallet words cover all possible future addresses derived from them. If you have a working backup you also have the wallet words (in an encrypted version)
thanks a lot.