Hi all,
I don't know what this is and why does it require IRC for MultiBit but here it is.
https://i.imgur.com/537kgwu.pngAfter installing MultiBit and receiving some $, I went to restart pc and after that I could not open
the MultiBit wallet anymore.
Just found it out that there's thousands of bots on these IRC servers. 6667
Host of the IP: giraffe.heliacal.net[Whois] [Reverse IP]
Host IP [?]: [Whois] [Reverse IP]
IP country code: FR
IP address country: ip address flag France
IP address state: n/a
IP address city: n/a
IP address latitude: 48.8600
IP address longitude: 2.3500
ISP of this IP [?]: GANDI SAS
Organization: Gandi Dedicated Hosting Servers
Guy on the server is this
Username: RDX
Hostname: CPE185933fb2e89-CM185933fb2e86.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com
Real name: RDX
Server: hub.smutfairy.com
Server info: Paris, France
01:59 giraffe.heliacal.net 015: |
- mib_2482, [1] giraffe.heliacal.net ----------------------------- | Users: 1088 (5.2%)
01:59 giraffe.heliacal.net 015: |
- mib_2482, [1] `- pelican.heliacal.net ------------------------- | Users: 8152 (38.7%)
01:59 giraffe.heliacal.net 015: |
- mib_2482, [1] `- irc.smutfairy.com ------------------------ | Users: 3989 (18.9%)
01:59 giraffe.heliacal.net 015: |
- mib_2482, [1] `- hub.smutfairy.com -------------------- | Users: 7833 (37.2%)
01:59 giraffe.heliacal.net 017: |
- mib_2482, [1] End of /MAP ( irc.smutfairy.com ) ( hub.smutfairy.com ) ( pelican.heliacal.net ) ( giraffe.heliacal.net )