first of all what is a node and what is a block?
I just wanted to know if there is a way of telling if all the nodes/blocks have downloaded regarding multibit?
When i downloaded the latest version of bitcoin QT it was running for 4 days and it got to 79 blocks to go, i was extatic, however, the next day it went back to 275,543 to go... omg! what happened? I then downloaded multibit to see if that was an easier and faster download, im not sure how to tell.
I'm from Australia and the internet i use is ADSL1 which isn't very fast but fast enough to play DDO
Thank you and i apologize if i have asked a stupid question.
Happy solstice to all
If you hover your mouse over the 'Online' button on the bottom left you get a little message window popup.
The first line is something like: "Number of blocks : 275,662"
That's the number of blocks it has seen - you can compare it to, say, the front page of to see what block height it thinkgs the blockchain is at.