As I've stated in most of those other threads, your options are:
1. If you have an Android or iOS device, install "Breadwallet", restore using your MultiBit HD seed in Breadwallet and wait for it to sync up. It should recreate your wallet with all your transaction history and coins. Note: Breadwallet is the only wallet software I've found that is compatible with MultiBit HD seeds.
2. If you can't use Breadwallet, then there is the option of using
my python scripts to extract the addresses/private keys from your MultiBit HD wallet. Once you have those private keys you can import or sweep them into a new wallet (I'd suggest installing Electrum and forgetting about MultiBit HD until the devs get it fixed)...
3. Wait for the devs to fix the issue... which seems to be taking quite some time.
Option 1 is probably the fastest and easiest solution to get access to your coins.
Option 2 is more complicated and requires getting python setup and running, but it will allow you to "rescue" your coins.
If you need any help, just ask. Good luck.