User -
Team -
Withdrawal address -
Bet amount -
Payment StatusJSRAW - SA - bc1qp4q4lup0ry4qqqk7qspj8ntgrm7e7pwk9g05mqq402k0j76xlcvshrkq5p - 0.00019476 BTC -
PaidRoyse777 - Eng - bc1qmuw7d9lygyhfxr2ahxvygxjg5v0pp43ydusj33 - 0.0001 BTC -
PaidSaShiRaJaVu - SA - bc1qm768h5dsnzgrngnajr835eth53nhg4hrlt3y0x - 0.0002 BTC -
PaidRolled over:------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.0000 BTC
Total in the pool --------------------------------------------------------------
0.00049476 BTC1. Address to send your winnings: Same arrangement
2. Bet amount: 0.00019626 BTC ( Please minus fees, if any)
3. Your Pick: South Africa
4. Tx (if any): None
Tx: 975083f32475dfedd9345c01761cd08d9408dac2105619a2b4381932ac360695
My pick
2. 0.0001
3. England
Tx: 8868a1bebf269907261b159a7a36911fa1736b6eeb075f85c8044a5100f1d933
1. Address to send your winnings: bc1qm768h5dsnzgrngnajr835eth53nhg4hrlt3y0x
2. Bet amount: 0.0002
3. Your Pick: South Africa
4. Tx (if any): will update
Tx: f3238bfcd769cb77d7bf83cc2b7ffe9380f754426ec6d244771b88bbdc532e89
Payment information:
Tx: 8006617d5c2ac148f644cb75fd323dec794610d247b48699cfbeca3469996732