
Topic: My account (kassex) got temporary / permanent ban.Please check! (Read 260 times)

Activity: 2436
Merit: 2347
I agree that can be forgiven for forgetting or intentionally not inserting a link to the source in the text copied from other resources. If it was once or, for example, five times. But the user has dozens of such posts without links to the source. But that's not the main thing. The problem lies elsewhere. When a user intentionally takes phrases from other people's texts and inserts them into his text in such a way that it is unclear where the text written by himself is and where the stolen text is, this is pure plagiarism. Such behavior on the forum is very rarely forgiven.
hero member
Activity: 1106
Merit: 912
Not Your Keys, Not Your Bitcoin
Every crime has a statute of limitations. And I think you can’t judge so harshly for the mistakes made 5 years ago. I admit my mistakes, but they were made not intentionally, but out of inexperience. I don’t deny my guilt. I will be very sorry to leave the forum on such a note legendary status. But alas .... Not all dreams come true.

Are you aware that you can go to jail for plagiarising content and using another person's material?

Most cases of plagiarism are considered misdemeanors, punishable by fines of anywhere between $100 and $50,000 — and up to one year in jail. Plagiarism can also be considered a felony under certain state and federal laws. For example, if a plagiarist copies and earns more than $2,500 from copyrighted material, he or she may face up to $250,000 in fines and up to ten years in jail.


In some academic settings, you will get dropped out or suspended for plagiarising material, the rules are still the same to date, 5 years doesn't change the default rules for bitcointalk as well, and to say it's even a local language that you should have easily squiz together but you copy word by word.
Activity: 2730
Merit: 7065
Plagiarism has no statute of limitations. It's written about it clearly and understandably here - Writing a welcome message.
I know they don't. But if I remember correctly, there have been cases where admins have been a bit more lenient if the incidents happened years ago and it was a member who was otherwise useful to the forum overall. But since OP has done it multiple times (even recently as Ratimov discovered), his chances for a pardon are almost non-existent.   
Activity: 2436
Merit: 2347
But it was 5 years ago...

Considering that the posts Xal0lex found were written 5-6 years ago...

Plagiarism has no statute of limitations. It's written about it clearly and understandably here - Writing a welcome message.

Plagiarism: If you copy some text from somewhere, then you should have a good reason for it, and you must link to the source. Doing otherwise is plagiarism. Changing a few words around doesn't matter. If we find that you plagiarized, then you absolutely will be permanently banned, even if we find it years after you did it.
Activity: 2730
Merit: 7065
I am also not seen to offend other users.
Offending and cursing at others is not a bannable offense. 

Not seen in the dissemination of false information.
You can lie and spread misinformation. The admins won't verify what is true and what is false, so you won't get banned for that either.   

Not seen in multi-accounts.
Owning multiple accounts is allowed unless one of your accounts is or gets banned. In that case, all your accounts will be banned. You are also not allowed to enroll multiple accounts in the same bounties/signature campaigns, but I don't know if that is a bannable offence or just gets you a negative tag by DT members.

Considering that the posts Xal0lex found were written 5-6 years ago, maybe the admins will consider a 1-2 years signature ban instead of a permanent one. But if the number of posts is significant and there is also plagiarism in more recent posts, you are out of luck and the decision might be final.
Activity: 4
Merit: 0
Every crime has a statute of limitations. And I think you can’t judge so harshly for the mistakes made 5 years ago. I admit my mistakes, but they were made not intentionally, but out of inexperience. I don’t deny my guilt. I will be very sorry to leave the forum on such a note legendary status. But alas .... Not all dreams come true.
Activity: 2436
Merit: 2347
You were banned for plagiarism. This is one of the most serious violations on the forum. And since you have enough of this plagiarism for several permabans, the chance of getting unban is quite meager.

B Индии пpaвилa дoвoльнo cтpoги — биpжи Биткoинa здecь зaпpeщaют, и paзpeшeниe oпepaций c цифpoвыми вaлютaми нe пpeдвидитcя в ближaйшeй пepcпeктивe.
Пoмимo paзличныx pacxoдoв, включaя cтoимocть мaйнингoвoгo oбopyдoвaния, ceмья, зa пocлeдниe пoлгoдa пoлyчилa пpибыль в paзмepe бoлee $ 27 000.

пoтepи фиpмы из-зa нeзaкoннoгo иcпoльзoвaния элeктpoэнepгии мaйнингoм для дoбычи биткoинoв, пoдcчитaны и cocтaвляют oкoлo $ 26 000.

To ecть ecли бы paбoтaли бы чecтнo тo пpибыль cocтaвилa бы вceгo 1000 бaкcoв зa пoлгoдa.Этo тaк нa caмoм дeлe или нe пpaвильнo пoдcчитaли?
И вooбщe в пocлeднee вpeмя китaйцы cepьeзнo пpинялиcь зa мaйнepoв,ocoбeннo зa пoдпoльныx.Кaк этo oтpaзитьcя нa биткe вoт этo oчeнь интepecнo.
B кoнцe пpoшлoгo гoдa coocнoвaтeль xeдж-фoндa Global Advisors, cпeциaлизиpyющeгocя нa влoжeнияx в биткoины, Дэниeл Macтepc пpoгнoзиpoвaл, чтo в 2016 гoдy cтoимocть биткoинa в тoм чиcлe пo этoй пpичинe мoжeт пpeвыcить $1 тыc., a к кoнцy 2017 гoдa — выpacти бoлee чeм в дecять paз, дo $4,4 тыc.

Boт этo бoлee peaлиcтичный пpoгнoз.Пpeдлoжeниe cнижaeтcя a cпpoc нaoбopoт выpoc и бyдeт pacти.кoppeктиpoвкa бyдeт,нy кaк жe бeз нee.Ho 2017 oднoзнaчнo бyдeт тpeнд ввepx.

Bы зaбыли yтoчнить чтo вce мaтepиaльнoe япoнcкoe пoльзyeтcя пoпyляpнocтью, a биткoин нe мaтepиaлeн дa и aльткoинoв yжe cлишкoм мнoгo вышлo чтoбы к eщe oчepeднoмy aльткoинy был бoльшoй cпpoc. Пoэтoмy дaжe ecли япoнцы выпycтят cвoю кpиптoвaлютy тo нa кypc биткoинa этo oчeнь cлaбo пoвлияeт ecли вooбщe пoвлияeт.
нe yбeдил вaш oтвeт!
ecли япoшки cвoю кpиптy зaпycтят и нe бyдyт бpaть пo 300000$ зa paзpeшeниe eю пoльзoвaтьcя, тo биткa пoтepяeтcя cpeди фopкoв нaвeчнo  Grin нe cpaзy кoнeчнo жe....пocтeпeннo...
любoй здpaвoмыcлящий пoнимaeт, чтo BCЁ япoнcкoe нaдeжнo, в тoм чиcлe и иx кpиптa!
A я нe пoнял чтo paзвe зa тo чтoбы пoльзoвaтьcя лeгaльнo биткoм нaдo зaплaтить 300000$ ? Кoмy нaдo плaтить и нa кaкoм ocнoвaнии, вeдь вpoдe япoшки пpocтo лeгaлизoвaли битoк a знaчит любoй жeлaющий мoжeт им пoльзoвaтьcя?
любaя кoмпaния cмoжeт пoлyчить лицeнзию нa иcпoльзoвaниe кpиптoвaлюты, нo пpeждe пpидeтcя зaплaтить $300 000 и пpoйти нaлoгoвый ayдит - этo кacaeтcя тoлькo кoмпaний кoтopыe иcпoльзoвaть битoк и пpoчee в cвoиx дeлax.Пpocтыx людeй этo нe кocнeтcя.
Hoвый зaкoн, пpинятый в Япoнии, пoзвoляeт иcпoльзoвaть биткoйн в кaчecтвe зaкoннoгo плaтeжнoгo cpeдcтвa. C aпpeля любaя кoмпaния cмoжeт пoлyчить лицeнзию нa иcпoльзoвaниe кpиптoвaлюты, нo пpeждe пpидeтcя зaплaтить $300 000 и пpoйти нaлoгoвый ayдит...  Читaть дaлee

Activity: 4
Merit: 0
Today, unfortunately, I received a ban. Perhaps forever. But I do not leave hope that I can restore my account. I have been on the forum for almost 6 years. And during this time I tried to strictly adhere to the rules of the forum. fatal to get banned forever. The metrics received for the last 120 days from various users show that my posts are informative. There are doubts about the last few posts. Also, maybe I wrote posts in too short a time, which I confess and accept my mistake. But I did not spam.

I am also not seen to offend other users. Not seen in the dissemination of false information. Not seen in multi-accounts. I ask the forum moderators to check the information again and, if they deem it necessary, unblock my account.

P.S.While checking my messages, I came across a couple of posts with plagiarism. But it was 5 years ago at the very beginning of my journey in the crypto world. And perhaps the lack of experience led to such errors. But this does not reduce my responsibility for the actions taken.Please do not judge strictly for such long-standing mistakes and give the opportunity to correct them in the future. I understand that sanctions cannot be avoided, but I hope for reductions.

Banned account:

Please forgive any mistakes. English is not my native language.
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