That alternate account belongs to my sister. It's Tanvi50_. So technically it's not mine, but I do have access to it.
What you did is done. You may did one or two mistake or many mistakes but when you had the gut to admit it, I will consider it forgivable. When someone seek opportunity, I am all to give it. If it is first mistake then they get second and may be third chance. But if it was not first mistake but after many mistakes they realized they need to make themselves clean then you have the last chance.
There are many mistakes you did so far. Some may be unknowingly and some willingly. The sent merit to your sister (if it is) then may be a mistake before you realized, As you said you never did that again, good. But the contest was not a mistake. And some other also were not mistakes. You continued because you thought you are not going to get caught. But since you are now under the net, it worth to see what you do after. If you can prove yourself a word keeper then no harm is going to happen. Even if anyone tag you now eventually they will remove it. But if you do the mistake again then I think everyone will realize that you did not learn anything.
By the way, sending merit to wife, child, brother, sister, girlfriend, boyfriend, sexfriend, analfriend, nanny, granny, cat, dog, lion, tiger are not prohibited. It's only discouraged as long as it's your own sMerit. If you were a merit source then it was a different discussion. However the community have a standard and from that standard sending merit to your alt is not something everyone will look from a white area.
Leave the board and stop responding everything. You have nothing to prove now, your action will speak in the future. Accept whatever happen now but make sure next time you are not in the mess again.