Um, you do realise ETH is a hard fork of... ETH, right? ETC is the unaltered and uncompromised ETH.
Ah yes, forgot about that. When I first bought Ethereum it already forked from the "classic". Personally, I disagree with the forking to restore ETH (DOA?). There goes censorship-resistance for ETH.
Bitcoin itself has never hard forked. The more alts that do fork off it and prove to be a worthless heap of shit the stronger its position becomes. It's like ants crawling across the back of a rhino. Everyone knows what the real deal is.
I agree BTC is king. I'm 100% down with that. At the same time, pretty much everyone agrees that there have been forks of BTC.
Although ETH is traded against many altcoins, it isn't really a currency. It's a platform. And as noted, it is also a hard fork of the original Ethereum, with ETC being the original.
True, but that's the beauty of ETH a store of value + smart contract. Wasn't Satoshi's original scope of bitcoin include smart-contract like features as well? I looked for the article I once read that refers to that, but I could not find it.
Did people genuinely think this?
Sure, look at . Major articles and interviews all over the place when BCH forked. My 80 year old neighbor who has a lot of BTC even started to migrate towards BCH.