And, if it was possible to pay very small fees for a transaction and then use a free accelerator to get your transaction through then I guess no one would have been concerned about the increment of transaction fees of Bitcoin.
I think what he wanted to emphasize here is that, people offering bitcoin accelerator here is all scam. So don't fall for them.
He just giving warning to those newbies who don't know why their transaction taking too long to went through and wanted their transaction to be process at once.
there is nothing really free in this world,you have to pay with your resources for everything
sometimes it is money,sometimes it is time (which is far more valuable as it is irreplaceable) or effort
those transaction accelerators topics are not charities,they are made to earn money for the OP
even if they position them as "free" they would not bother accelerating your low fee transaction for free
maybe a few shill accounts had their transactions accelerated to show they do accelerate
but when you post your low fee tx,all they would do is try to see if they can accelerate for free through antpool or Viabtc
and if the fee is way too low,they would get a quote from a paid accelerator such as Viabtc or pushtx
and quote you that+their extra
simple business,nothing personal
if you want to try and accelerate it for free use these:
plus use one of the many rebroadcast services,just google to find as many as you like