Personally, I'd rather lose a little in fees, and know that my Bitcoin is secure than holding it on the exchange for a prolonged period. I usually, only deposit what I'm going to take out in an exchange, and I'd recommend doing the same whenever you're purchasing Bitcoin. Maybe, holding out until you can afford higher amounts to justify the fee might also be an option.
It does depend a bit on your trading goals or whether there is an exchange that has a certain trading pair but others have not. I am all for Bitcoin anyway, but I also used to trade some stuff and withdrawing and depositing all the time doesn't make it worth in the end.
BUT, Welsh is right as I can tell that over the course of my long crypto experience, I have had a couple of minor losses due to leaving some coins on the exchange. I guess most of us who were around early got caught at least once, or not?
Good old Mt. Gox, Cryptsy, but also a couple of other exchanges. Oh Cryptopia comes to my mind and I can't recall the names but many have disappeared so the advice to not keep your coins on an exchange is 200% correct. The collapses as we have seen with FTX always happen out of a sudden. Everything works fine dozens of times and then without any prior notice the withdrawal is not being processed anymore. Congratulations, tiCeR, for leaving those coins (even if not many) on the exchange (is what I am telling myself
I must say though that these days I don't have a single penny on any exchange. Thankfully never lost big, but learnt the lesson.