Deprived makes valid points. Guess what, I get similar PM in my mailbox.
DrGregMulhauser, I stopped reading your article at " figures or more in dollar terms..."
Why? Because I believe that time is ripe for different way of thinking. Governments (big businesses) have done pretty much everything they can to keep small businesses small and small investors away form awesome opportunities.
This is why we have all those "nice" laws that help rich fat fuckers to get even more fatter and richer and "protect" small investors form growing. This way of thinking is nothing short of supporting modern slavery. Lets hope, those days are soon gone for good. This modern variant of feudalism has to go and BTC is just one of the battle axes, that will be driven deep in to the scull of greedy scum, who "rules the world" as w know it. This is nothing new in history and history has a tendency to repeat itself over and over again.
BTC is a awesome opportunity to change that and help small guy to grow. I do not mean only small business but small time investors too.
"Oh, but they might get screwed by scammers..." rhetorics are BS. Bankers and scammers alike are screwing us all day long and every day. Including you, Mr Mulhauser
You are probably a smart guy. So, help this community to grow up and prosper and not strangle it with your greed.
Invest your precious time to this community and at the end, you will receive way more than those 5 BTC fees, you are actually after.
Lets work out a list on minimal requirements for contracts and so called prospectus. There are lots of good ideas to borrow from RL.
PM? me, if you guys are up to it and how we go about it. Possible, it will be total waste of time but if exchanges join us, we can actually do some good. (a please, get over this "this is not exchanges job in RL" notion of yours