Sold accounts not stolen, people should stop selling accounts. you want automate the process to farm and sell accounts industrially and then scam people.
I agree with you, I didn't think that way.
But, don't accuse me of practicing it (I hope it was not your intention).
In any case, if a person buys a bitcointalk account, she needs to f##k herself.
I think this would reduce reduce the sales if the administrator blocks the change of a wallet signature set in the profile.
Whoever buys an account knows that seller can recovery it.
Leave your bitcoin address and signature, this method is still available, but the efficiency of recovery is very low.
I've done this and everyone should do it, the problem lies in the fact that recovery is slow (sometimes impossible).
Apart from the time and hassle that managers spend on recoveries.
People have their Bitcoins stolen all the time. If someone can't keep a forum password secure, chances are he'll lose other data too. Even worse, phishing sites may start abusing this by convincing people to enter their private key. People are already entering their password on fake Bitcointalk (phishing) sites!
I've never seen any other forum where so many users lose access to their account. It's your own responsibility to keep your computer secure, Admins are already overloaded in work, and I don't think they want to add more features to the forum just for people who can't keep their password secure. Account recovery doesn't have a high priority.
It's true, the user will never stop being a user, susceptible to hacking, pishing and viruses. It's unfortunate and I agree with you.
And if he is dumb to give even your wallet private key, then he doesn't deserve to have a recovered account.
About the time of admins, I still think they spend much more time recovering these stolen/sold accounts than they would lose if they were to implement this feature.
My idea was to discuss the technical feasibility of a simple feature, but it seems that everyone thinks that the user does not matter, even if the cost is minimal.
Sorry again for my english and excuse my stubbornness