caught up with covid and didnt get the chance to update you guys,
as i mentioned earlier that i bough a new control board but even that it didnt work at that time and i used to get 12TH/s while my machine can give around 35TH/S, i've gained the full speed with turning SSH port to 'open' and then used port 2, 3 & 4 in the control board then wala i got all the speed. this is the easiest way cost around $170 for a new board plus downloanding Ubuntu and learning to connect to the machine using this command " SSH -p 22' or '
[email protected] -p 22' then it shall give you that port 22 is open.
another method is to hack into the board which i am doing through a very long long process i will put you the link but please do not use these methods into hacking other people or stealing or in bad things even the server is mentioning the same. the process name is 'Brute Forcing' where you connect to your SSH and gain the password by trying millions of passwords currently been using in the world, but in order to reach this level you need several days for training and you will fail everytime until you find a soultion, please follow the below steps in order to reach the brute forcing process i will write the steps only as each step contains a very long process very hard to explain it here just google it and when you get stuck in something post it here i will give you the solution that worked for me:
1. download and install ORACLE B JAVA for developers
2. download and install Kali-linux where you can use their server to hack and its untracable
3. download and install latest Ubuntu (note: it is much faster and securer for mining than windows once you use it will be in love with and will delete windwos lol)
4. download and install CUPP (common users passwords profile)
5. download and install the mentalist or cache (wordlist of passwords customize as you prefer)
6. download and install MSF Console (this is the hardest part and the toughest)
once you complete the above you enter
1. cd cupp
2. nmap -p 22 (your machine IP make sure port 22 is open otherwise no use)
3. update latest server 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade'
4. lxc console my-kali (please do not use it in hacking others)
5. cd cupp (just to make sure it is open)
6. use this website as it shows you the final step only, it is very handy website you can learn much from them ''
important note: please do not download these and use them in windows through other linuex program like putty or others, it is totally unsafe and hackers will get into your computers very easily and steal all your data, USE ONLY ON UBUNTU
i hope i can help the majority any question you have let me know, just send me a msg here and i will get back to you even if am late i will be back to you.
enjoy hacking your machines guys.
have a good one