That was definitely tin foil hat stuff, OP. That's why the post and thread were deleted--the mods thought it was such a crappy thread that they didn't even bother to move it to Off-Topic, so that should tell you something about what to expect when posting here.
And if you've
actually been around since 2012, you'd know this. I checked your post history to see if yours might be a bought account, but you've had the same posting style and similar posts ever since you registered 9 years ago. Why are you complaining that a bizarre post got deleted? I can see a newbie asking that, but not someone who's been on the forum for as long as you have.
If you want to talk to Elon, contact him in private. Why post that in a public forum? Maybe you should start drinking to clear your head a bit
There have been plenty of threads about Elon Musk that haven't been deleted. The only reason OP's was is because it came off like a nutjob conspiracy theorist rant, and there's no way a discussion is going to flow from a post like that.