The math on the Pfizer vaxxes and others is this...
In the past, all vaccines took a long time to develop. In addition, for the last dozen decades, when vaccines came out, they were tested for at least months, and maybe for years before they were turned loose on the public. And there is no other vaccine that, when public results showed that a few people died, that it wasn't immediately pulled off the market.
The Covid vaxxes came out after only a month of attempts to manufacture one, and they were not pulled from the market when people started dying and complaining of other problems.
This is the only vaccine like this. So, being a mathematician, what are the odds? I mean, the odds that the Covid vaxxes are anything other than dangerous? You know. Odds! Not Pfizer information... which would be slanted at best... because they are looking for profits.
I know a nurse who thought about this "Operation Warp Speed." She realized that there wasn't any long-term testing. So she didn't get the Covid vaxx. She is the only nurse in her hospital who didn't get Covid.