Saturday began to build the room,
I repeat it all to try,
if it is positive
I sounds of 0
and temperatures in summer to 40 ° C
That is funny, please do the math
1) all heat pumps (freezer, AC, whatever similar) has C.O.P. number which shows INput power vs OUTput heat. It means if you put 160W INput, it can transfer COP times more heat. Best air-source heat pumps can do about COP=4 (it depends on deltaT), so 160W can transfer 640W. 4x S7 is about 5.5kW. So far away.
2) freezer can reach -16C only because it removes heat from small thermally insulated closed box. It transfer heat from inside to outside.
3) room temperature will be 5.5kW + 160W freezer
4) YES, best solution is to use AC and make your room as closed box. AC will transfer heat from inside room to outside. You can also use AC to cool outside air and vent hot air out, but this needs more math.
Some info about HVAC: