Ah, copy-paste woes. Thanks for pointing it out . I'm going to update the post with the version I'm using now, which has less rounding bugs and allows a --list or -l parameter to just list the unspent outputs and exit.
It was the Bitcointalk forum that inspired us to create Bitcointalksearch.org - Bitcointalk is an excellent site that should be the default page for anybody dealing in cryptocurrency, since it is a virtual gold-mine of data. However, our experience and user feedback led us create our site; Bitcointalk's search is slow, and difficult to get the results you need, because you need to log in first to find anything useful - furthermore, there are rate limiters for their search functionality.
The aim of our project is to create a faster website that yields more results and faster without having to create an account and eliminate the need to log in - your personal data, therefore, will never be in jeopardy since we are not asking for any of your data and you don't need to provide them to use our site with all of its capabilities.
We created this website with the sole purpose of users being able to search quickly and efficiently in the field of cryptocurrency so they will have access to the latest and most accurate information and thereby assisting the crypto-community at large.
$ mktx.pl
idx amount address btcdays grp vout
0) 18.43147597 1A7y8jy7xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 29.44 8 9c26c17f780e9e9415a6b8a58fxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:0
1) 13.30826540 19GgbRa5xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 144.73 0 9d7ffe1562756e216c92935a71xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:0
2) 9.00000000 18NAfDsdxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 1192.31 10 0ba6400f87c554b7e41d0fe8b8xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:1
3) 3.58293316 15HK4cyhxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 14.18 12 a2dad2d0289449b80850d77b2dxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:2
4) 2.57453211 1KXoabe8xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 349.31 0 5f94d690d75bca1becdc91cacdxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:0
5) 2.29610578 1ydDG6nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 9.09 2 a2dad2d0289449b80850d77b2dxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:0
6) 1.83458911 1EmHjWp7xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 7.29 11 df64fb188d1965a6607032b502xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:1
7) 0.80863146 1LMUtqtJxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 3.21 6 df64fb188d1965a6607032b502xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:0
8) 0.59664818 1HyZb7Psxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 2.36 1 16703bc4ce9f35bd75a64e07e5xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:1
Select inputs (separated by spaces): 0 1 4
Enter outputs: destination address and amount separated by a space (enter to finish)
Enter output (34.31427348 available): 12XCzX7ogxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 26.34859225
Enter output (7.96568123 available):
Debug: inputs total amount is '34.31427348', assigned '26.34859225'
Enter address where to send 7.96568123 as change: new
Change will go to '1BZoDTY3NGr65axxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
Debug: estimated transaction size: 614 bytes (fee required at 10000 bytes or more)
Debug: transaction priority: 122770.67M (fee required at 57.6M or less)
Enter desired fee (default 0):
Enter wallet passphrase (needed for signing the transaction):
## TODO: could add: if ($fee) { print "you're paying %d satoshis per kb", $fee*1e8 / ($tx_size/1000); }
use warnings;
use strict;
use File::Spec;
use Scalar::Util qw/looks_like_number/;
use List::Util qw/min sum shuffle/;
use Getopt::Long;
use JSON::RPC::Client;
use Data::Dumper;
my $MIN_FEE = 0.0005;
my $cfgfile = File::Spec->catfile ($ENV{'HOME'}, '.bitcoin', 'bitcoin.conf');
my ($rpcuser, $rpcpass);
sub get_rpc {
-f $cfgfile or die "bitcoin configuration not found\n";
open my $fd, '<', $cfgfile or die "open: '$cfgfile': $!";
while (<$fd>) {
if (/^rpcuser=(.*)/) { $rpcuser = $1; }
if (/^rpcpassword=(.*)/) { $rpcpass = $1; }
close $fd;
if (!$rpcuser or !$rpcpass) { die "can't find RPC credentials in bitcoin configuration\n"; }
my $url = "http://$rpcuser:$rpcpass\@localhost:8332/";
my $rpc = JSON::RPC::Client->new;
$rpc->prepare ($url, [ qw/
createrawtransaction decoderawtransaction getnewaddress getrawtransaction listaddressgroupings
listunspent signrawtransaction validateaddress walletpassphrase
/ ]);
return $rpc;
sub addr2grp {
my ($rpc) = @_;
my $groupings = $rpc->listaddressgroupings;
my %addr2grp;
foreach my $group_idx (0 .. $#$groupings) {
foreach my $entry (@{ $groupings->[$group_idx] }) {
$addr2grp{ $entry->[0] } = $group_idx;
return %addr2grp;
sub vouts {
my ($rpc) = @_;
my $unspent = $rpc->listunspent;
my $vouts;
foreach my $u (@$unspent) {
my $rawtx = $rpc->getrawtransaction ($u->{'txid'});
$rawtx = $rpc->decoderawtransaction ($rawtx);
my $vout = $rawtx->{'vout'}[$u->{'vout'}];
next if 'pubkeyhash' ne $vout->{'scriptPubKey'}{'type'} and 'scripthash' ne $vout->{'scriptPubKey'}{'type'};
$u->{'address'} = $vout->{'scriptPubKey'}{'addresses'}[0];
$u->{'btcdays'} = $u->{'amount'} * $u->{'confirmations'} / 144;
push @$vouts, $u;
return $vouts;
sub get_selected_outs {
my ($largest_out) = @_;
print "\n";
print 'Select inputs (separated by spaces): ';
my $selected_ins = <>; chomp $selected_ins; my @selected_ins = split /\s+/, $selected_ins;
foreach my $in (@selected_ins) {
if ($in !~ /^\d+$/) { warn "Error: invalid input '$in'\n"; redo OUTER; }
if ($in > $largest_out) { warn "Error: input '$in' too large\n"; redo OUTER; }
return @selected_ins;
sub get_dests {
my ($rpc, $avail) = @_;
my %dests;
print "\nEnter outputs: destination address and amount separated by a space (enter to finish)\n";
while (1) {
print "Enter output ($avail available): ";
my $dest = <>; chomp $dest;
if (!length $dest) {
last if %dests;
warn "enter at least one destination\n";
my ($dest_addr, $dest_amnt) = split /\s+/, $dest;
if (!defined $dest_amnt) {
print "error: enter destination address and amount separated by a space\n";
if (!looks_like_number $dest_amnt) { warn "amount '$dest_amnt' isn't a number\n"; redo; }
if ($dest_amnt <= 0) { warn "amount '$dest_amnt' isn't positive\n"; redo; }
if ('new' eq $dest_addr) {
$dest_addr = $rpc->getnewaddress;
print "Using address '$dest_addr'\n";
if (!$rpc->validateaddress ($dest_addr)->{'isvalid'}) { warn "address '$dest_addr' is invalid\n"; redo; }
if (exists $dests{$dest_addr}) { warn "there's already an output to that address\n"; redo; }
if ($dest_amnt > $avail) { warn "Error: not enough funds in the selected inputs\n"; redo; }
$dests{$dest_addr} = 0+$dest_amnt;
$avail = 0+sprintf '%.8f', $avail - $dest_amnt;
last unless $avail;
print "\n";
return %dests;
sub fee {
my ($selected, $dests, $change_addr) = @_;
my $tx_size = 10 + 180*@$selected + 32*keys %$dests;
print " Debug: estimated transaction size: $tx_size bytes (fee required at 10000 bytes or more)\n";
my $tx_size_ok = $tx_size < 10000;
my $smallest_out = min values %$dests;
my $out_amounts_ok = $smallest_out >= 0.01;
my $tx_prio = sum map { $_->{'amount'}*10e8 * $_->{'confirmations'} } @$selected;
$tx_prio /= $tx_size;
my $tx_prio_ok = $tx_prio > 57_600_000;
printf " Debug: transaction priority: %.2fM (fee required at 57.6M or less)\n", $tx_prio/1e6;
my $sugg_fee = 0;
if (!$tx_size_ok || !$out_amounts_ok) {
if (!$tx_size_ok) { print " Transaction too big ($tx_size bytes), fee recommended\n"; }
if (!$out_amounts_ok) { print " Some of the outputs is smaller than 0.01 BTC ($smallest_out), fee recommended\n"; }
my $rounded_tx_size = int ($tx_size / 1000); $rounded_tx_size++;
$sugg_fee = $MIN_FEE * $rounded_tx_size;
if (!$tx_prio_ok) {
print " Transaction priority too low ($tx_prio), fee recommended\n";
$sugg_fee += $MIN_FEE;
print " Warning: a fee is recommended but this transaction hasn't a change output from which substract the fee\n" if $sugg_fee && !$change_addr;
print " Warning: suggested fee is greater than the change output\n" if $change_addr and $sugg_fee > $dests->{$change_addr};
print "\nEnter desired fee (default $sugg_fee): "; my $fee = <>; chomp $fee; $fee ||= $sugg_fee;
if (!$fee) {
print " Warning: a fee is recommended\n" if $sugg_fee;
die "Error: no change output from which substract the fee\n" if $fee && !$change_addr;
die "Error: fee is greater than the change output\n" if $change_addr and $fee > $dests->{$change_addr};
if ($fee == $dests->{$change_addr}) {
delete $dests->{$change_addr}; ## oops, this alters the tx size, therefore it potentially affects the fee itself
} else {
$dests->{$change_addr} -= $fee;
GetOptions \my %opts, '--list' or die "getopt failed\n";
my $rpc = get_rpc;
my %addr_to_group = addr2grp $rpc;
my $vouts = vouts $rpc or do { print "No funds\n"; exit; };
printf qq/%3s %12s %35s %8s %3s %66s\n/, qw/idx amount address btcdays grp vout/;
my $index = 0;
@$vouts = reverse sort { $a->{'amount'} <=> $b->{'amount'} } @$vouts;
foreach my $vout (@$vouts) {
#my $amnt = $vout->{'amount'}; if ($amnt !~ /\./) { $amnt .= '.'; } $amnt .= '00000000'; $amnt =~ s/(\..{8}).*/$1/;
my $amnt = sprintf '%.8f', $vout->{'amount'};
printf qq/%2s) %12s %35s %8.2f %3s %s:%s\n/, $index, $amnt, @$vout{qw/address btcdays/}, $addr_to_group{ $vout->{'address'} }, @$vout{qw/txid vout/};
exit if $opts{'list'};
my @selected_ins = get_selected_outs $#$vouts;
my @selected = @$vouts[@selected_ins];
my $available_amnt = sum map { $_->{'amount'} } @selected;
my %dests = get_dests $rpc, $available_amnt;
my $txamnt = sum values %dests;
my $unassigned = sprintf '%.8f', $available_amnt - $txamnt;
my $change_addr;
if ($unassigned >= 1e-8) {
## $unassigned may have extra decimal places due to floating point issues, see if those decimals
## are already present in these variables or they appear in the substraction above
print " Debug: inputs total amount is '$available_amnt', assigned '$txamnt'\n\n";
print "Enter address where to send $unassigned as change: "; $change_addr = <>; chomp $change_addr;
if ('new' eq $change_addr) {
$change_addr = $rpc->getnewaddress;
print "\n Change will go to '$change_addr'\n";
if (!$rpc->validateaddress ($change_addr)->{'isvalid'}) { warn "address '$change_addr' is invalid\n"; redo; }
if (exists $dests{$change_addr}) { warn "there's already an output to that address\n"; redo; }
$dests{$change_addr} = 0+$unassigned;
print "\n";
fee \@selected, \%dests, $change_addr;
my $ins = [ shuffle map { { txid => $_->{'txid'}, vout => 0+$_->{'vout'} } } @selected ];
my $outs = \%dests;
my $tx = $rpc->createrawtransaction ([ $ins, $outs ]);
print 'Enter wallet passphrase (needed for signing the transaction): ';
system 'stty -echo' and die "fork/exec: $!"; ## this could be improved
my $wpp = <>; chomp $wpp; print "\n";
system 'stty echo' and die "fork/exec: $!";
$rpc->walletpassphrase ($wpp, 1);
my $signed_tx = $rpc->signrawtransaction ($tx)->{'hex'};
my $decoded = $rpc->decoderawtransaction ($signed_tx);
print Data::Dumper->Dump (sub{\@_}->(\$decoded), ['Transaction']);
print "Raw: $signed_tx\n";
END { system 'stty echo'; }