Why was it deleted? I don't understand what rule I broke, and this honestly keeps happening, is it because of my tone? I meant no offense to anyone.
Hi fernandoaleixo, I am the new mod for the P&S section. Please be assured you did not offend anyone. Offensive comments (unless considered trolling or illegal) are not moderated by the forum and will not be the reason for a post getting deleted. Everyone's opinion no matter how offensive is allowed to be shared!
I believe your post in question was spam. Did you just read the thread title or OP and then reply? Did you read the thread or at least enough of it to get a good feel for the discussion already before posting? Did you repeat what others have said many times in the previous 13 pages of the thread? Did you add anything new or of value to the discussion. Would you ever come back to check on your post for further discussion? Did you notice the thread in question was locked so it didn't become an even bigger spam fest than it already was?
The forum isn't a test where you pick questions and parrot answers. If you contribute to the discussion then you can say almost anything you want.
Hello, thanks for the reply. To be fairly honest I didn't give it much thought, I read the original post and saw a dozen of similar answers, my instinct just told me to post the obvious thing that I assumed nobody wanted to say, I was kinda upset and this is where I thought I could have been offensive. Anyway, I probably repeated someone else replies on the 13 pages before me, but at the same time, nobody was really discussing as far as I noticed, just a bunch of mindless info dump.
But thanks for letting me know, I've had 4 or 3 posts deleted before as well and I was starting to wonder the cause, once again, thank you.