Most likely, you'd get better performance out of your old hardware running GNU/Linux, I wonder why dual-booting isn't an option (if you only play your game from time-to-time, you could have more fun the rest of the time by booting into a better OS).
Not entirely true. I tried Debian on this laptop and it took longer time to boot than XP. Maybe the infamous systemd makes a difference but it is not that important since I reboot once in week or two weeks. Also the Firefox works slower on Debian. I suspect that the compiled code is less optimized on Linux for Turion64 CPU than it is on Windows compilations of Firefox. Also Bluetooth module did not work well and I was unable to disable WiFi and Bluetooth separately using button. Linux have it's uses for me like Tails, Whonix and BackTrack, but it falls short on other usability and compatibility uses. I know people love opensource OSes like Linux and BSD and I like them too. I also have reserved feelings about WinXP because it was worst Windows until Vista and Win8 came out. But I have no other options and no harddrive space. Linux is not drop-in replacemet for Windows like ReactOS atttempts to be.
Get back and post about the same thing on windows 7 , I would be waiting for your post and be sure to shoot a pm also so that I could be notified .
As far as I know Windows7 does not have the bug that WinXP have that causes it to request DNS resolution trough physical adapted instead of OpenVPN. Win7 also uses slightly different commands for netsh utility that I cannot remember or test now. So I think this script will be pointless for Win7.