I did, I am struggling with that Iancoleman tool because I dont know what or how to enter the derivation key for Mycelium.
Try turning-on the setting "
Show address path".
With it, it'll show you the address' derivation path in the 'balance' tab.
-snip-, and more specifically when you have created multiple ethereum wallets.
As for ETH accounts in Mycelium's 'Account' tab, each
"Ethereum N" account corresponds to another account_index derivation, not a higher address_index.
For example:
If 'Ethereum 1' has the derivation path of
m/44'/60'/0'/0/0, 'Ethereum 2' should be
m/44'/60'/1'/0/0In IanColeman's BIP39 tool, just change "
Account" from 0 to 1 to get Ethereum 2's prvKey.
I replied op on his another thread where he was specifically asking to get pvk for 23rd derived address, and I'm pretty sure this is correct path for op's 23rd address — m/44'/60'/22'/0 — I tried it practically on my mycellium to fetch mine, so I'm pretty sure, however it'd have been good if op himself could confirm same but he's not been active.
Only difference between ours is one less zero, idk if it makes a difference.
Ok thank you for highlighting that setting. Didn't know that was in there. It seems that my derivation path for the specific wallet is:
or the very first eth address I created is m/44'/60'/0'/0/0
Using the 44/60/0/0/0 one again only nets me the first correct address, and all the others are different.
Ok, do this. Go on MEW wallet website, import your mnemonic, add this derivation path without quotes, "m/44'/60'/22'/0" — select it and the first address you will see there will of your mycellium wallet.