It was the Bitcointalk forum that inspired us to create - Bitcointalk is an excellent site that should be the default page for anybody dealing in cryptocurrency, since it is a virtual gold-mine of data. However, our experience and user feedback led us create our site; Bitcointalk's search is slow, and difficult to get the results you need, because you need to log in first to find anything useful - furthermore, there are rate limiters for their search functionality.
The aim of our project is to create a faster website that yields more results and faster without having to create an account and eliminate the need to log in - your personal data, therefore, will never be in jeopardy since we are not asking for any of your data and you don't need to provide them to use our site with all of its capabilities.
We created this website with the sole purpose of users being able to search quickly and efficiently in the field of cryptocurrency so they will have access to the latest and most accurate information and thereby assisting the crypto-community at large.
'my Private Bitcoin Key' version 0.01
Фраза должна содержать не менее 10 символов, не менее одной заглавной буквы
и не менее одного спецсимвола типа $ или & или любого другого кроме пробела
Enter pass-phrase (without space): 0987654321
845.keys/sec || Iterations: 10990. || ~107 sec remaining
Input (hex): 30393837363534333231
Private Key in WIF: 8017756315EBD47B7110359FC7B168179BF6F2DF3646FCC888BC8AA05C78B3B5DC8B8D8267
Private Key: 17756315ebd47b7110359fc7b168179bf6f2df3646fcc888bc8aa05c78b3b5dch
Px Py ext: 0400A21ACEC8BB30581D095B1CBC47A1D04AFA5AAD558376E11AD0EB630FFC56594D4EEC3798E87473950EC649EA66F273186B263DEF93B1CF72F8382A0420D67E
Hash Px Py ext: 5002C7502C96325B11A3F3B343398DA6A2E750D4E94146F5D0828EE87E96F4A2
Adress (hex): 000431C369D927414B519F38CF247DA8BE68D956E199D45CBF
Adress base58: 1PBKPJ38tyGgztVvPkCZPo4JgAbRBy96W
PrivateKey base58: 5HzcoGSYFLLKEGAqNEnrCWAp3KrcxGWzWB1kLSsVf8REKUdDmhg
Iterations: 11036.
Time: 14 sec
#include "osrng.h"
#include "eccrypto.h"
#include "sha.h"
#include "ripemd.h"
#include "hex.h"
#include "cryptlib.h"
#include "filters.h"
#include "secblock.h"
#include "algparam.h"
#include "integer.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace CryptoPP;
using namespace CryptoPP::ASN1;
using CryptoPP::SecBlock;
string base58_encode(Integer num, string vers)
string alphabet[58] = {"1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","A","B","C","D","E","F",
int base_count = 58; string encoded; Integer div; Integer mod;
while (num >= base_count)
div = num / base_count; mod = (num - (base_count * div));
encoded = alphabet[ mod.ConvertToLong() ] + encoded; num = div;
encoded = vers + alphabet[ num.ConvertToLong() ] + encoded;
return encoded;
int main()
setlocale(0, "");
ECDSA::PrivateKey K1;
ECDSA::PublicKey K2;
AutoSeededRandomPool prng;
byte L0[] = { 0x00 };
SecByteBlock L0_byte(L0, sizeof(L0));
byte L04[] = { 0x04 };
SecByteBlock L04_byte(L04, sizeof(L04));
byte L80[] = { 0x80 };
SecByteBlock L80_byte(L80, sizeof(L80));
RIPEMD160 hash;
SHA256 hash2;
Integer number_iteration;
byte hash_sha256[32];
SecByteBlock xy_byte;
Integer privateKey;
SecByteBlock hash_rip160_temp(20);
SecByteBlock hash_rip160;
SecByteBlock hash_sha256_valid_temp(32);
SecByteBlock hash_sha256_valid(4);
SecByteBlock hex_key;
string bitcoin_adress;
SecByteBlock qx(32);
SecByteBlock qy(32);
string input;
string vers;
SecByteBlock input_hash(32);
SecByteBlock hash_pK_byte(32);
SecByteBlock hash_pK_byte_valid(4);
SecByteBlock pK_byte(32);
Integer i;
int count_it = 0;
cout << endl << "'my Private Bitcoin Key' version 0.02" << endl <<"" << endl <<
"Фраза должна содержать не менее 10 символов, не менее одной заглавной буквы" << endl << "и не менее одного спецсимвола типа $ или & или любого другого кроме пробела" << endl << endl <<
"Enter pass-phrase (without space): ";
cin >> input;
for (; input.length() < 10;) {cout << input << " <- Wrong input data! Try again: "; cin >> input;}
SHA256().CalculateDigest(input_hash, reinterpret_cast(&input[0]), input.length());
i.Decode(input_hash, 32);
cout << endl << "Calculate......" << endl;
long long now(time(0));
char ba[35];
while (ba[1] != 0x50 || ba[2] != 0x42 || ba[3] != 0x4b)
K1.Initialize(secp256k1(), i);
privateKey = K1.GetPrivateExponent();
ECP::Point q = K2.GetPublicElement();
(q.x).Integer::Encode (qx, 32 /*(q.x).MinEncodedSize(Integer::UNSIGNED)*/, Integer::UNSIGNED);
(q.y).Integer::Encode (qy, 32 /*(q.y).MinEncodedSize(Integer::UNSIGNED)*/, Integer::UNSIGNED);
xy_byte = L04_byte;
xy_byte += qx;
xy_byte += qy;
hash2.CalculateDigest(hash_sha256, xy_byte, 65);
hash.Update(hash_sha256, 32);
hash.TruncatedFinal(hash_rip160_temp, 20/*hash_rip160_temp.size()*/);
hash_rip160 = L0_byte;
hash_rip160 += hash_rip160_temp;
hash2.Update(hash_rip160, 21);
hash2.TruncatedFinal(hash_sha256_valid_temp, 32/*sizeof(hash_sha256_valid_temp)*/);
hash2.Update(hash_sha256_valid_temp, 32);
hash2.TruncatedFinal(hash_sha256_valid, 4/*sizeof(hash_sha256_valid)*/);
hex_key = hash_rip160;
hex_key += hash_sha256_valid;
bitcoin_adress = base58_encode(Integer (hex_key, 25, Integer::UNSIGNED), "1");
strcpy( ba, bitcoin_adress.c_str() );
if (count_it >= 99)
if (!(time(0) - now) == 0)
cout << " " << number_iteration / (time(0) - now) << "keys/sec" <<
" || Iterations: " << dec << number_iteration << " || ~" << 120 - (time(0) - now) << " sec remaining\r";
count_it = 0;
privateKey.Integer::Encode (pK_byte, 32, Integer::UNSIGNED);
pK_byte = L80_byte += pK_byte;
hash2.CalculateDigest(hash_pK_byte, pK_byte, 33);
hash2.Update(hash_pK_byte, 32);
hash2.TruncatedFinal(hash_pK_byte_valid, 4);
pK_byte += hash_pK_byte_valid;
HexEncoder encoder;
string Hash_Px_Py_ext;
encoder.Attach(new StringSink( Hash_Px_Py_ext ));
encoder.Put( hash_sha256, sizeof(hash_sha256));
string Px_Py_ext;
encoder.Attach ( new StringSink( Px_Py_ext ));
encoder.Put( xy_byte, xy_byte.size() );
string input_string;
encoder.Attach( new StringSink( input_string ));
encoder.Put( reinterpret_cast( &input[0]), input.length() );
string pK_byte_string;
encoder.Attach( new StringSink( pK_byte_string ));
encoder.Put( pK_byte, pK_byte.size() );
cout << endl << endl << endl <<
"Input (hex): " << input_string << endl <<
"Private Key in WIF: " << pK_byte_string << endl <<
"Private Key: " << hex << privateKey << endl;
cout <<
"Px Py ext: " << Px_Py_ext << endl <<
"Hash Px Py ext: " << Hash_Px_Py_ext << endl;
if (K2.Validate( prng, 3 ))
string hash_rip160_string_temp;
encoder.Attach( new StringSink( hash_rip160_string_temp ));
encoder.Put( hash_rip160_temp, hash_rip160_temp.size() );
string hash_sha256_valid_string;
encoder.Attach( new StringSink( hash_sha256_valid_string ));
encoder.Put( hash_sha256_valid, hash_sha256_valid.size() );
string hex_key_string;
encoder.Attach( new StringSink( hex_key_string ));
encoder.Put( hex_key, hex_key.size() );
string hash_rip160_string;
encoder.Attach( new StringSink( hash_rip160_string ));
encoder.Put( hash_rip160, hash_rip160.size() );
cout <<
"Adress (hex): " << hex_key_string << endl << endl;
cout <<
"Adress base58: " << bitcoin_adress << endl <<
"PrivateKey base58: " << base58_encode(Integer (pK_byte, 37, Integer::UNSIGNED), "") << endl << endl <<
"Iterations: " << dec << number_iteration << endl <<
"Time: " << time(0) - now << " sec\a" << endl;
else cout << endl << "False! Please use another pass-phrase!";