By raising the payout multiplier for all players for all games, NakaBot's edge is now dramatically lower than its already very low normal percentage (but only for the next twelve hours).
As of right now, NakaBot's most popular games are (in order):
NakaBot 61634, 1.06x payout; 94.046% win rate, 0.311% house edge. 1BotCZLxGJv5DJZud7SFGnWzQH8A8nbYXb
NakaBot 43144, 1.514x payout; 65.833% win rate, 0.330% house edge. 1BotjfR6YEvJdxTaY7bW3an2SxavgSNSgo
NakaBot 8089, 8.075x payout; 12.343% win rate, 0.332% house edge. 1BotR9BwEqAiKPjQzHVttvpp2aFSi8w2tm
NakaBot 16179, 4.038x payout; 24.687% win rate, 0.313% house edge. 1BotDD9rCY1pJ5xaXKDPsn1BoZMjyaKrYb
Thanks for playing!
(NakaBot's official thread)