They would call that liquidity and it is valid to have paper gold. Mining operations sell forward their production for gold that does not yet exist, when their bills are here now it allows them to pay now and produce later. So there is a valid usage to that leverage, same with farmers and their crops and so on. The problem is when the harvest fails and there is no repayment of paper assets. This could occur across an entire country leading to systemic failure, this is where the Fed or big gov steps in and says we are the answer
So right now bitcoin exchanges take this place, in theory they provide a service but also they open up this leverage type vulnerability to the bitcoin network. As accepted large players normally, they can produce abnormal effects especially if corrupted like gox.
Centralise a distributed system and BTC begins to resemble a dollar proxy and I think that means it fails or is forbidden, etc
Only deposits or withdrawals of BTC would appear on the blockchain.
They could only sell the difference between the two though, its not naked short selling more like embezzlement. It is less extreme then a dollar market still. If they warn against pools having too much percentage of the network, they should think the same of exchanges and be very wary when they get too large. I dont believe in fixed regulation but if possible it should be discouraged, a large exchange could split itself up by country or some sort of fire break where each section has its own accounting and liability.
If nothing else its a good idea for security not to store everything in one basket, localbitcoins was hacked recently but I read they did have access sectioned off. So I think its good practise if every large operation maybe continued as a holding company but split every subsidiary it can into smaller separated parts. Of course that partly goes against economies of scale, etc