Hey everyone!
So I'm pretty much a greenhorn to mining and cryptocurrency in general
However after trying to wrap my head around it for a couple of hours I ended up with nanopool and ETHC Mining for starters since they have a pretty neat "quick start" button
So I used that little sucker and entered my e-wal adress and everything else
Now as far as I'm concerned I did everything by the book but I can't get any stats on Nanopool since I just get the message
"Account not found Remember: to add your account to the database you should find at least one share"even though I dug up some shares already
Tried to google it but the results aren't really helpful
I used the configured start.bat that I got from Nanopool but apparently I made a mistake
Here's the Start.bat (ofc in reality there's an actual ewal adress and email)
EthDcrMiner64.exe -epool etc-eu1.nanopool.org:19999 -ewal *the numbers displayed in my Jaxx wallet*.Fallowny/
[email protected] -epsw x -mode 1 -ftime 10
Note: I tried seeing the stats through
https://etc.nanopool.org/account/EWALADRESSIf anyone knows what the problem could be I'd be very thankful for answers/suggestions!
Wellp it works now, so nevermind!