I've read your posts on god/God before which is the only reason I wrote anything tbh. If 'god is all' and shoots balls of emr, then you are simply defining the universe as 'God'. There's no way to disambiguate the two meanings because the two terms are, as far as I can tell, interchangeable.
I also love science, but I'm happy to see the Universe as something that arose by itself without any reason for existence, without any teleological process. This is that which makes every single discovery about science and the universe even more breathtaking to me. The universe is so grand and complex that without any final aim in mind it is still so detailed that we have barely scratched its surface.
Lol your basically asking me to define god in a non material way and yeah i dont think that is possible either.
I think science and religion are the same thing they are just totally different belief systems of how god decides things. And i know you already know this but know body knows how we arose out of nothing so we cant prove our true gensis birth(too bad its not like bitcoins were you can just look at what happened to the genisis block explorer... Oh wait there is the akashnic records
). There is of course inflation theory after the big bang which logically makes sense to me. If you read the book of genisis you will find that sciences findings of "the beginning" are very closly related to the big bang plus inflation theory(once you get last all the ye ol' lanuage of the bible).
Like for example it talks about everything being a void a black dark void(probubly if infiniteness). The bigband+inflation theory can see this as true as before the big bang there really was nothing. Then later when the big bang comes god said let their be light this is when matter of all spectrums were created(including light).
I belive at this point in time this is 1,000,000,000,000trillionths of a second before inflation happens the. If i remember correctly god says he creates earth and all that is above and below it. That passage reflects the hyper inflation ive been talking about and scientists postulate that all the hot radiation in the universe thats was hyper inflating started to cool down and created a liveable enviroment.
I would recommend looking into the relation ships your self or anybody interested in my theory please prove me wrong.