Proof of work:
I was going to say that your rates are too low and you should raise them (where are you from?, Venezuela?, are you doing this just for fun or what?), but then I noticed that:
1. You are not a native Spanish speaker as you claim to be, or,
2. You are lying with the not using translation software/sites part.
Let's see:
1. Última actualización: 21/02/2016 a 0826 hrs (GMT)
It would be more natural to say:
Última actualización: 21/02/2016 a las 08:26 hs. (GMT)
not really I chose to state it like that because I wanted to simply translate it and I kept the hrs for the simple reason I didn't feel the need to transcribe it
2. "...como una moneda de PoS completa"
PoS completa?, why not "completamente PoS", or, more likely, "exclusivamente/únicamente PoS".
We would not use an article there, we would just write "enlace", or even use the English word "link".
I translated it to my understanding and that's how it seemed to make the most sense
4. "actualizado después de la 1 confirmación"
"la 1 confirmación"?, that reminds me of Romanian. We would never use an article there, either.
The reason same as stated above
5. "Check proyecta Mojocoin distribución después ICO"
What is that supposed to mean?
"Check" is not a Spanish word, you can either use the anglicism "checar" (with the proper conjugation, of course), or any of the verbs we have for it: Revisar, mirar, observar, etc. I am assuming "check" is a verb here, I have no idea, I cannot understand the sentence.
The sentence structure makes no sense either. I guess it must have been something like: "Revisa la proyección de la distribución del Mojocoin después del ICO" (you could even translate ICO, but I guess people is used to that terminology).
I translate it as I see it and I translated accordingly, by now most people here would know what ICO stands for.
6. "ICO mínimo pago con una inversión de 0.01 BTC será MOJO 34,482.76 (ver ICO sección abajo)"
This sounds like Google Translate in its worst days. "minimum payment" would be "pago mínimo", and "ICO section" would be "sección ICO" (or, even, "sección sobre/acerca de ICO").
yeah I made a mistake there was a bit in a hurry when I was doing some parts
A reference in case your proof of work is edited (anyway, the whole text sounds awkward).
I would advise anyone not to hire you
You said nothing about the key parts. You are justifying your choosing of "hrs" but not why you wrote "a" instead of "a las". No educated Spanish speaker would write something like "veámonos a 8 a.m." (let's meet at 8 a.m.). In the ICO part you only talked about ICO, what about the non-sense you wrote in that sentence?
I could also keep showing "mistakes" in the entire text, I just took that part as an example. You should at least apologize with that guy that hired you, and stop trying to scam people.