Wtf I just read? Dude, you need to get some help before it's not too late. I wasted my time trying to read this wall of text and I see some fantasy written by someone living in alternative reality.
You're trying to show Russia in victim's position, like someone in the West is planning to invade them.
That's always been the plan. You need to get some help, yourself. Start by Googling "Who financed the Bolshevik Revolution." Follow up the searched sites with pertinent searches on what you find there. You will see that from way back then right up to today it was always the US and Britain that were trying to conquer Russia. Putin remembered this well how the bolsheviks did bad things in russia and not just in russia but in baltic regions they slaughtered many people.
Putin cleaned up russia and even changed the flag wich means colors on order like this.
White on top it's GOD
blue in the middle it's ETHER the state between the GOD spirit and SOUL
The RED means the material and lower vibrations it's on lower position in the lowest place where it meant to be.
that's the spiritual side but yes russians are not bolscheviks the boldcheviks just killed and did bad things for russians Putins knows history too.
Off course you can't destroy the evil with guns and violance the EVIL IS spirit you can't shoot this, in order to change world from evil we need to do totally things different ways then they are now the problem is bigger and those elite are nobility and bankers are the victims of their own inner darkness and selfishness we in the world just can't imagine better ways to govern and operate.
But Putin look like Hitler 2.0 but this fight not going to kill evil you can't kill evil with guns you can destroy the physucal things but spirit lives.
But things what bolcheviks did in eastern Europe and russia people never forget those and russia nowdays have nothing to do with them they was evil and nowdays old bolchesviks still live without punishments that's how corrupted are our goverments around the world.