Loan Amount: 0.007 BTC
Repayment amount: 0.011BTC
Repayment date: May 13, 2018 or earlier
Collateral: This btctalk account and if you want I can add up all my s**t coins; I prefer this account. Im adding my 2 COC account (TH10 and TH8) and my email data base of cryptoinvestestors.
BTC Address: 3EMaqtQFCjXgop1Z9sUhm5nGsDouHnkmR4
Replies will be so much appreaciated. Thanks.
I edited this original post. From 0.008 to 0.007.
If I want to sell this, I should've not post on this section; Maybe I don't need to defend myself from persecution of this people and soon get a negative feedback just because you offended them in an argument that they started in the first place.
With no disrespect, your account is worthless. Its not worth a sat and even then, accounts are generally worthless since buying or selling accounts on bct is looked down on. Using them as collateral is only good IF you have good post quality and trusted. So its not the matter that your account doesnt "worth that much" its the matter of it doesnt worth anything at all.
Your tokens in your eth doesnt come close to what youre asking. Collateral should be 120% of what youre asking (usually more but it depends on the lender and the level of risk they are willingly to take). Do you have anything that is 120% of what youre asking that can be easily liquidated in an event of default or drop in value?