Why don't you just sign the message with your staked address.. Many people i believe are interested to fulfill this loan
Even me. So sign the message, pm me and will fund the loan right away
I will not give a damn about the reason for 0.01 btc if you are the real owner of this account
Mesaage:I am katerniko1 from bct and taking 0.01btc loan
Here you go im real owner of this account.
Signed message verified.
Loan Fulfilled :
https://blockchain.info/tx/370031ebac9dfdf17c88bce6d1218196ac7e21b752b56706edf1f5fc70a7db26My repayment address : 1KBcdRxzPaC4XWkkJBFz4eNemhN64f6EbC
Please pay 0.011 btc within 10 days
Lol, xinzark is faster as always than me...
I just want to say the same.
Why to have to do all of this? You know the drill, just do it and somebody will fill it.
As you say it's 0.01
EDIT : You are also faster than me, lmao!
Xinzark you will fill this? You came first...
I just filled. Better luck next time buddy but you are 10 minutes late in posting your views
So i don't get the point that i said the exact same thing faster than you