I will repay in 12 days max (i am waiting for signature payments but i dont know if i will be paid this cycle)
will repay 0.044BTC
if someone wants to give me this loan, send to
I feel comfortable to do it at your conditions, if the other user is not interested.
As said, I can do it. But, given your tag, i'll need a signed message from an old address.
I'm potentially interested in funding this but as stated previously, you need to sign from an old address that was staked. You have been given a scammer tag by SaltySpitoon (a moderator) which makes your green trust not valid. If this is false, you should explain it because that makes no one potentially want to lend to you. You also haven't paid back any loans. You just have went first in conducting transactions so you don't have proven track record to go by.