Are you the lending cops here? Or just increasing your post?
I am really amazed to see your posts.
Because I can? Just like how you are allowed to post here, so can I. I dont even care about increasing my post count, unlike some people who would sit and spam the hell out of this forum then disappear for several months to come back with more useless post, or spam to try to get paid from signature campaign. I bet you that if I was in a signature campaign, you would be saying I am spamming just increase my post count to get paid (which many do claim when they are offended, threaten (eg being found out to be a scam), or just a troll). I post where I would like to either state facts,opinions, have a discussion, or call out bs that I've seen, which doesnt make me a "lending cop." Oh, and asking if a borrower paid or not isnt a crime either.
Why are you concern about where I post and what I post about exactly? While I am answering you:
9/10 newbies who come here asking for a loan usually ends up defaulting, especially if they use something like accounts, domains, or something as such. Now you could be right, the domains worth alot, but that doesnt mean they worth alot to others. In the event of default, the lenders would have to sell the collateral to make up for what was loss, and domains are usually not easy to sell unless you know a guy. Same with accounts. Also, most accounts can be reversed which means once you receive the btc for whatever account is used as collateral, all you could do is contact support, prove yourself, then account would be back in your possession. In regards to that, you also said the following:
I can also keep this as collateral or sell (0.1) for same amount without domain names though.
Collateral is something you would want back, but you said you would want to keep this as "collateral" or sell. That tells others, including myself, that this is a sell being disguised as a loan request. As in regards to the domains, no one knows if you tried to sell them but failed, or this could be your attempt through this loan request. Again, this is my opinion, but it could also be a fact if proven to be (though with the increasing rate of request and newbies usually would default, it could be a fact right away unless proven otherwise).
Anymore questions? Feel free to ask, though I do not prefer to go off topic.