Need Advice on Bitcoin Faucet website from well experienced users and members.
1 . what is faucet ?
2 . what is Bitcoin faucet ?
3 . what is bitcoin faucet website ? with website example ?
4 . I have a website which is not related to bitcoin, can i make that website bitcoin faucet website?
5 . what kind of website can be a bitcoin faucet website?
6. How a owner of bitcoin faucet website getting earning ?
You can find all this on google:
1. When you are thirsty you usually go to your kitchen and open something called faucet to get water from it
2,3. Do you have google? Google "Bitcoin faucet wiki"
4. Ofcourse, only thing you need is faucet script
5. Its kind of site with lots of adds on it, as major earnings for faucet owners is from adds
6. check 5