Why dont you try to increase the on lose to 100% so that you can get the fast result than honestly i never tried the saujie bot..
But your methods is slowly growing.. i will wait for you update if you test that method..
Ok lets start to explain a bit
Why not 2x HELL you us x4 that you dont need to set after lose x2
lets do the math
1.35 / 1.5 / 1.75 / 2 and lets see how high you will go
1,35 1,5 1,75 2
1 0,0000001 0,0000001 0,0000001 0,0000001
2 0,0000001 0,0000002 0,0000002 0,0000002
3 0,0000002 0,0000002 0,0000003 0,0000004
4 0,0000002 0,0000003 0,0000005 0,0000008
5 0,0000003 0,0000005 0,0000009 0,0000016
6 0,0000004 0,0000008 0,0000016 0,0000032
7 0,0000006 0,0000011 0,0000029 0,0000064
8 0,0000008 0,0000017 0,0000050 0,0000128
9 0,0000011 0,0000026 0,0000088 0,0000256
10 0,0000015 0,0000038 0,0000154 0,0000512
11 0,0000020 0,0000058 0,0000269 0,0001024
12 0,0000027 0,0000086 0,0000471 0,0002048
13 0,0000037 0,0000130 0,0000825 0,0004096
14 0,0000049 0,0000195 0,0001444 0,0008192
15 0,0000067 0,0000292 0,0002527 0,0016384
16 0,0000090 0,0000438 0,0004422 0,0032768
17 0,0000122 0,0000657 0,0007738 0,0065536
18 0,0000164 0,0000985 0,0013541 0,0131072
19 0,0000222 0,0001478 0,0023697 0,0262144
20 0,0000299 0,0002217 0,0041469 0,0524288
21 0,0000404 0,0003325 0,0072571 0,1048576
22 0,0000546 0,0004988 0,0126999 0,2097152
23 0,0000737 0,0007482 0,0222248 0,4194304
24 0,0000995 0,0011223 0,0388933 0,8388608
25 0,0001343 0,0016834 0,0680633 1,6777216
26 0,0001813 0,0025251 0,1191108 3,3554432
27 0,0002447 0,0037877 0,2084439 6,7108864
28 0,0003304 0,0056815 0,3647769 13,4217728
29 0,0004460 0,0085223 0,6383596 26,8435456
30 0,0006021 0,0127834 1,1171292 53,6870912
31 0,0008129 0,0191751 1,9549761 107,3741824
32 0,0010974 0,0287627 3,4212082 214,7483648
33 0,0014814 0,0431440 5,9871144 429,4967296
34 0,0019999 0,0647160 10,4774502 858,9934592
35 0,0026999 0,0970740 18,3355379 1717,986918
36 0,0036449 0,1456110 32,0871913 3435,973837
37 0,0049206 0,2184164 56,1525848 6871,947674
38 0,0066428 0,3276247 98,2670235 13743,89535
39 0,0089677 0,4914370 171,967291 27487,79069
You see the small different from 1.35 to 2 *lol*
That's interesting strategy, might try it some day aswell
is there any special reason or logic you guys go for multi 4x or you just like it that way?
See the multi after lose taple.
You can set multi at 1.35 and still make profit becouse your payout is x4