command modern air naval operations
Panzer general
Ultimate general gettysburg
Wargame: Red Dragon(and the others from the serie)
World in Conflict
also try DCS world and ARMA
battlestations midway: hmm... not my kind of game
command modern air naval operations: WHAOU that's fucking cool! I didn't know this one thanks a lot, it seems like the best simulation of wargame I ever saw xD
But really expansive (73€? Oo) so I might try it first. Via torrent.
Panzer general: Wow, maybe a bit od ^^
Ultimate general gettysburg: seems good but lack all the management aspect. Combat simulation is fun but I like to have the country to manage too (yeah I'm a pain :p )
Wargame: Red Dragon Same here
World in Conflict Same here ^^
Anyway thanks for the proposition, those games seems good but perhaps too much simulation of war and not enough of management and political/country simulation
But I'll try command modern air naval operations for sure!