its def worth a shot!
already want to thank you for showing interest, means a lot to me!
to make it clear for me:
step 1: get new updated to newest version tails
step 2: start tails(any version would work) add new tails usb -> copy the default wallet + wallet02 to the electrum file?
or? where do i copy it into?
step 3: i start new tails usb with files copied onto it
step 3.5: i restore wallet? or i wount even need to restore wallet since it will start @ wallet02?
step 4: if that works i just need my old electrum pass which i still have and i can transfer funds?
I still have to get my head around what happened:
- you updated tails
- you can still access the persistent volume
- you can still open electrum
- you can still see the default_wallet
- you also had a wallet2, a completely different wallet, and you can still see the wallet2 file after opening the persistent volume from within tails, but not from within electrum. Also, you don't have the seed for wallet2
- If this is correct, i'd try to copy the 2 files default_wallet and wallet2 to a clean desktop PC (you can also use tails, but i'd start by copying them to your normal desktop in order to avoid any complexity caused by the use of tails). Make sure your desktop is clean, and if you want to preserve your privacy, don't use your desktop to create transactions.
- Install electrum on this desktop pc
- open electrum, maybe you'll be forced to create a new wallet the first time you open it (don't know, cannot test this out)
- when electrum is open, go to file-> open, browse to the folder where you copy'd the default_wallet and the wallet2 from your tails persistent volume
- see if this works. I'm not sure it will, but it's worth a shot...
Please, don't touch the tails volume at this point, don't destroy the data before you're 100% sure you have a workable alternative.
It would still be best if you had the seed for wallet2 written down somewhere, it would make your life a lot easyer. I assume you started out with default_wallet, and after a while, you (maybe accidentally) created a new wallet, with a new seed, and you started to use that one. The default_wallet and wallet2 are two completely different wallets (i assume), unless you restored your initial wallet from seed and named it wallet2 (but i think that's unlikely)