Lets make it simple for all of you who are looking at this scam artists attempt to take 50% of your funding.
I have opened new thread for interested lenders to borrow funds for lending. The interest rate will be set at 9% per month as long as you have to proper collateral to secure the funding.
Here is the thread link: Knight & Day Commercial Loan Service
Stop advertising your own lending service here and calling me scammer when you dont have the brains to understand my proposal.
Sweet Moses, are people really this stupid?
Lemme break it down again:
I have 0% risk with this method.
You have 0% risk with this method.
All risk is contained to the end-borrower.
I take 50% profit because it's my money you are using.
Call it rental or partnership whatever. The point is that we both benefit.
You have 0% risk, because you have collateral backing it up.
The borrower from you takes all the risk, because the collateral could be bad, the price could drop or the collateral may just not sell for enough to cover the amount loaned out. If someone does a .1 BTC loan and the loan is not paid back, your borrower sells the collateral. What if the collateral only sells for .06 because of the market. That is a .04 loss. Are you saying that you are going to take 50% of that loss? Of coarse you are not. Your borrower is going to eat that loss. How are they going to eat that loss??? With the collateral you have is they do not pay it back. Also just FYI!! In the banking business, if you loan money and take collateral, the money is the property of the person who put up the collateral, so they are using THEIR MONEY, NOT YOURS!!!!!!!