i need to sell authentic victoria secret items on ebay, specifically perfume. all items are 100% authentic and are shipped directly to your buyers from victoria secret.
you recieve 30% of the sale price. all auctions are started at 99 cents and you get 30% of the sale price.
once you make a sale on ebay, you send me the address and victoria secret ships the product, once your buyer is happy, then you send me the remaining 70% of the sale price.
pm me if interested, nothing to lose.
I would be careful with this, "nothing to lose" is not correct and here is why:
The idea (or scam) of using people for selling on ebay or other platforms has been around for years. The person with the ebay account is the one who has everything to lose and other nothing to lose. The seller never sees the product, but lets say everything is 100% authentic (if its not, still its the sellers responsibility who will be charged with fraud), even then the seller is basically being used just to transfer money, which again through EBay-Paypal or whatever is more or less considered to be money laundering. Its the same like saying, Im selling stolen stuff through a person, he gets the money on his account, he is selling all .. its his responsibility in case ANYTHING happens, and yes, he gets his share... but the responsibility is worth 30% ? In the area of Barcelona there have been this kind of offers with even 50% ... but then ask yourself, why would someone not simply sign up himself and do it? Its not like its complicated in 2014 to put stuff on ebay ... and then 30%?.. well, world is not about charity.
Im sure you can do all this via BTC only, but in case you are using paypal and stuff connected to your bank account and name .. i would be very careful.
Having said that, I dont claim the above is a fraud attempt, I just wanted to point out that it has been done before in many bad ways.. usually targeting young people who dont fully understand the responsibility of it and 30% just sounds soooo good