first of all: this is my first 'faucet'
so be gentle senpai~ <3I just released alpha(or maybe pre-alpha) version of my online game at
http://alpha.lone.world/ . (email confirmation not required)
ATM I implemented basic colony management. You can build new buildings, including buildings which generate to you satoshis every cycle(N-seconds/minutes) But remember: you need to claim your satoshis manually every cycle(there is grey button under each commercial building. click it to get your satoshis). There is no automatic miners or something about it. Other buildings (i.e. ghetto or farm) not useful ATM cuz population functional is not implemented fully yet.
Need feedback: I'd like to hear real user opinion about UI and amount of satoshis.
Within next few days I will release population functional (unemployed citizens from ghetto stealing, killing others for food, etc. Overpopulation. Tax Avoidance. More info TBA later.)
Then I planning to build simple combat system and add aliens\invaders AI. There is no fun if your colony in the deep space not invaded by aliens isnt it?
And in the end I'll release space colonisation. TBA.
Any feedback appreciated! Good luck!