Wow. I don't really care, but this is too much fun. So just to name a few:
- I'm taking a math class a grade level above my peers. Not only is this math class a combination of 2 others, we completed it in half the year, and since then we've been learning calculus. Not to mention the fact that we don't go every 1/10 days, and our periods are only 45 minutes long, of which we spend messing around half the time.
- I take honors english and honors history. I'm not old enough to take ap classes yet
- I know c++ and java very well
- I know html, css, and python
- I'm also into robotics and know the arduino language very well
- I'm very proficient in solidworks, and could easily have a professional if not expert certification if I had the money
- I'm familiar with the linux terminal
- All of which, other than the school things, I'm completely self taught
- And I could keep on going with my less notable, but still out of the ordinary skills (ask me and I'll continue)
So maybe I'm not that wise and for sure immature, but smart? I think I'm pretty smart. And if you meant that I wasn't wise, well, I'm not the one that made multiple offensive comments and preceded them with 'Not to be mean here or anything'
anyone capable of doing this would have way better ways of making money and would most likely not roam around looking for 100$ jobs
So you know this from experience? I can't say this from experience, but if I were a hacker I wouldn't mind taking the odd job here and there for 100$, just for fun--as a hobby. There's such a huge database of users here I was pretty sure I'd catch one at least. Also, whoever said that the hacker that might've come across this thread would have been looking around for 100$ jobs?
Save me trouble? This is fun
btw, I probably look like a complete nerd now but I'm not, and I can give a list too, if anyone wants it lol XDD