
Topic: Need Help, Block Erupter Cube, Solo, Stratum_proxy connect to Wallet QT (Read 3232 times)

Activity: 30
Merit: 0
I am solo mining with a BE cube here on linux (fedora 20) - took me a while to set it up but seems to be working fine so far. Here's what my setup is like :

1. I am running bitcoind server with the rpc user / pass set up and daemon & server modes activated, ie in bitcoind.conf the main settings are:


lots of guides to set this up really,

2. I am running bfgminer as a proxy on the same box, pointed at my local bitcoind server. I start it up this way

bfgminer -o localhost:8332 -u BTUSER -p BTPASS --no-longpoll --scan-time 2 --que 2 --expiry 2 --no-submit-stale --coinbase-addr YOURWALLETADDRESS --coinbase-sig "Something cool" --http-port 8888

Since I am on linux I have to execute this using sudo (best)

also on my box i have to open up the port 8888 in the firewall so that my BE Cube can hit it over the network.

3. My BE cube is pointed at bfgminer in its settings

Pool ports: 8888,8888

Thats it, seems to be working for me - except I have a very high amount of jobs rejected by the cube and a low efficiency overall and high hardware errors in bfgminer not sure why ?

My cube has all chips working but gives me

Jobs: 6701  Accepted: 126  Rejected: 6392 and a Efficiency of 1.88%

Works fine when I switch it back over to mining on a pool so need to figure that out.
Activity: 92
Merit: 10
OliRS, I did some research again and I found it seems bitcoin QT do not support getwork and stratum protocol, I think other wallet QT the same. So I gave up to use mining_proxy, I will use BFGminer to do that, even its have few performance lost, but it can work. Thanks for your advice.

About that strange error, Yes I have fully synchronised the block chain, but error still exist, even I delete all old block data and do fully synchronised again. I decide to run my Block Erupter for few days to trying found a block, as current difficulty its possible. If I can make it, I will ignore that error.
Activity: 34
Merit: 0
You are running Bfg with the correct settings, is the Qt client fully synchronised with the blockchain relating to the coin you are solo mining?

You are correct about the performance loss using Bfg, I see similar, but I have still successfully mined thousands of lower difficulty SHA256 coins that way. Maybe you should ask Slush if it's possible.
Activity: 92
Merit: 10
BE tube or do you mean BE Cube?

I've tried to get the stratum proxy running for solo mining via the Qt wallet and gave up very quickly. Much simpler way is to install Bfgminer and proxy through that using the --http-port option, works a dream. Don't forget to run the Bitcoin-Qt with the -server argument.

Although it has to be said if you are only planning on solo mining with a BE Cube, you're wasting you're time, you will never solve a block.

OliRS, many thanks for your help. Sorry for my mistake it's Erupter CUBE not "Tube".

I have used bfgminer for proxy, I used this command to start my bfgminer:

bfgminer.exe -o -u rpcuser -p mypassword --http-port 8332

but I got a strange error:"[2014-03-22 19:50:10] blktmpl error: Unrecognized block version, and not allowed to reduce or force it", I mining the SHA coin, I deleted whole directory and re-install QT program and the error still exist. And when I used bfgminer for proxy I got low efficieny, about 86%. That why I decide trying use mining_proxy.

I made a few attempt again, I noticed the mining_proxy not listen at 8332 port, even I add "-oh localhost -gp 8332", and then I found mining_proxy connect the stratum server failed. So, I don't know what is wallet QT's protocol? It seems not getwork and not stratum.  

About solo mining's point, I believe you are right, most time solo mining is meaningless, I only trying solo mining for some new crypto coin with low difficulty.
Activity: 34
Merit: 0
BE tube or do you mean BE Cube?

I've tried to get the stratum proxy running for solo mining via the Qt wallet and gave up very quickly. Much simpler way is to install Bfgminer and proxy through that using the --http-port option, works a dream. Don't forget to run the Bitcoin-Qt with the -server argument.

Although it has to be said if you are only planning on solo mining with a BE Cube, you're wasting you're time, you will never solve a block.
Activity: 92
Merit: 10
Dear Group:
    I want use my Block Erupter tube to solo mining, in first I direct point my Erupter to wallet RPC port but failed. I use Windows system, This is my configuation:

rpcallowip= (my pc's IP is, Erupter is

I use this walllet configuration with CGMiner is works well, but Block Eruputer tube only support getwork protocol, I think the wallet not support it, am I right?

And then I trying use the Mining_proxy.exe be my proxy program, I run it like this:

mining_proxy.exe -o localhost -p 3333 -cu rpcuser -cp 123456


mining_proxy.exe -o localhost -p 3333 -sh localhost -sp 3333 -cu rpcuser -cp 123456 -oh localhost -gp 8332

It doesn't work, the Mining_proxy output these message:

2014-03-18 21:58:39,467 INFO proxy mining_proxy.on_connect # Subscribing for min
ing jobs
2014-03-18 21:58:39,467 INFO proxy mining_proxy.on_disconnect # Disconnected fro
m Stratum pool at localhost:3333
2014-03-18 21:58:39,467 INFO stats stats.print_stats # 0 peers connected, state
changed 1 times

I did some research and not sure wether the wallet support Strutum protocol or not. Did I missed something, and no what is a way to use my Block Erupter to solo mining.  Any information will be appreciate.

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