1. Date you created the wallet (it would be best to give an exact date, so they could narrow the search)
2. IP you used when created the wallet
* It will take a long time before they respond to you (due to the heavy loads of issues that they have to deal at the moment):
Useful link for you: https://blog.blockchain.com/2016/09/27/remind-recover-reset-3-helpful-tools-to-regain-wallet-access/#more-9778
Go to this link: https://support.blockchain.com/hc/en-us/requests/new > Choose I lost my wallet identifier > On the space that asks for your email address, type in the new email address that you want to receive the email (not the address you created the wallet itself) > On "How can we help you?" space give all of the details > Move down to "Wallet Creation Date" and "IP Address used to create the wallet" and put the appropriate details > verify and submit.