But follow that thread lot's of good advice in it. As far as pool look at minimum payout as 1 stick is not going to pay much. And a lot go with lotto for fun due to low pay. But you really need to decide what type of pool your looking for. Setup on most pools are very easy they all pretty much have good FAQ. So use pool site for pool help, and that thread for compac and you should be set.
Thank you so much for the reply! I truly appreciate your taking of time to help me. As of now, I have joined a pool called BitMinter and I have downloaded the mining client. I have also plugged in the GekkoScience USB mining stick, but the miner only shows my CPU and GPU of my laptop rather than those and the USB.
Is there a way I can add the USB Miner into the list so it can be used? Currently, the USB is still not doing anything.
Thank you again!
Enclosed is a screenshot. Well, it's in the link
Go to the thread mentioned above. You need to learn how to install the driver's and most likely you will use CGminer with windows. But again you have to setup the driver's for compac. Zadig is part of it with windows for some works great others you need to get try multiple installs.
But again you need to read thread your skipping all setup it appears from post.