I just downloadd the newest version of claymore dual miner. (7.3 I think)
I set up the start .bat file and changed the pool to us1.ethermine.org:4444 and added my address.
Here is what one of my logs look like: (can someone please help)
15:34:08:529 c58 args: -epool us1.ethermine.org:4444 -ewal 0x409e5Ca22e06b7d0C3A34a5722fa6E3106ce37D4.knightkon01 -epsw x -dpool stratum+tcp://dcr.suprnova.cc:2252 -dwal DsmqED9mU2J6g9E6nrR5PxhYsnVt4BBtW6G -dpsw x
15:34:08:575 c58
15:34:08:588 c58 º Claymore's Dual ETH + DCR/SC/LBC GPU Miner v7.3 º
15:34:08:600 c58
15:34:08:806 c58 ETH: 2 pools are specified
15:34:08:813 c58 Main Ethereum pool is us1.ethermine.org:4444
15:34:08:915 c58 DCR: 2 pools are specified
15:34:08:921 c58 Main Decred pool is dcr.suprnova.cc:2252
15:34:09:800 c58 OpenCL platform: NVIDIA CUDA
15:34:09:859 c58 OpenCL platform: AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing
15:34:09:867 c58 No AMD cards in the list.
15:34:10:385 c58 CUDA initializing...
15:34:10:465 c58 NVIDIA Cards available: 1
15:34:10:471 c58 CUDA Driver Version/Runtime Version: 8.0/8.0
15:34:10:480 c58 GPU #0: GeForce GTX 750 Ti, 2048 MB available, 5 compute units, capability: 5.0
15:34:10:486 c58 Total cards: 1
15:34:10:669 c58 No AMD cards in the list, ADL library will not be used.
15:34:10:676 c58 NVML version: 8.373.06
15:34:10:752 6dc ETH: Stratum - connecting to 'us1.ethermine.org' <> port 4444
15:34:10:790 1b28 DCR: Stratum - connecting to 'dcr.suprnova.cc' <> port 2252
15:34:10:791 c58 ETH: eth-proxy stratum mode
15:34:10:806 c58 Watchdog enabled
15:34:10:814 c58 Remote management is enabled on port 3333
15:34:10:817 6dc send: {"worker": "eth1.0", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": ["0x409e5Ca22e06b7d0C3A34a5722fa6E3106ce37D4.knightkon01", "x"], "id": 2, "method": "eth_submitLogin"}
15:34:10:833 6dc ETH: Stratum - Connected (us1.ethermine.org:4444)
15:34:10:829 c58
15:34:10:883 6dc got 39 bytes
15:34:10:958 6dc buf: {"id":2,"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":true}
15:34:10:897 1b28 send: {"id": 1, "method": "mining.subscribe", "params": ["lbc 1.0"]}
15:34:10:963 6dc parse packet: 38
15:34:10:974 6dc ETH: Authorized
15:34:10:969 1b28 send: {"id": 5, "method": "mining.extranonce.subscribe", "params": []}
15:34:10:986 1b28 send: {"id": 2, "method": "mining.authorize", "params": ["DsmqED9mU2J6g9E6nrR5PxhYsnVt4BBtW6G","x"]}
15:34:10:980 6dc send: {"worker": "", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [], "id": 3, "method": "eth_getWork"}
15:34:11:122 1b28 DCR: Stratum - Connected (dcr.suprnova.cc:2252)
15:34:11:120 6dc new buf size: 0
15:34:11:128 1b28 got 118 bytes
15:34:11:139 1b28 buf: {"id":1,"result":[[["mining.notify","deadbeefcafebabe82ca100000000000"]],"41d36ee88d5e5ef3fb620851",12],"error":null}
15:34:11:144 1b28 parse packet: 117
15:34:11:149 1b28 new buf size: 0
15:34:11:166 6dc got 248 bytes
15:34:11:184 6dc buf: {"id":3,"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":["0x4b78abf3f54564228114967bdc425ab654914904324dd3a3e3962af712911cd9","0xce63b9b4f2987aaa54138176d7d0c4e2417fea4e3d7ca4ae3e921ae5e81310f0","0x0112e0be826d694b2e62d01511f12a6061fbaec8bc02357593e70e52ba","0x275930"]}
15:34:11:189 6dc parse packet: 247
15:34:11:194 6dc eth: job changed
15:34:11:199 6dc new buf size: 0
15:34:11:255 1d9c Setting DAG epoch #85...
15:34:11:286 1b28 got 488 bytes
15:34:11:291 1b28 buf: {"id":null,"method":"mining.set_difficulty","params":[1]}
{"id":null,"method":"mining.notify","params":["800f","ad2976e6e22bad32729daf6f5217bb38c5cd4206f33bfd2900000ea600000000","fd205b80942055c34568afcaab9a68ec3305c8bc8b23a875fa7380b48b332d013c9ca7e96c8ae13 9861f7464936141a7acaf5c9d2365406ef716b6376979c4970100eebcc803f12d05001400e5a100 009eee111a9fe273c4000000005e3301007c370000bc931f580000000000000000","",[],"01000000","1a11ee9e","581f93bc",true]}
15:34:11:296 1b28 parse packet: 57
15:34:11:302 1b28 remove first packet 430
15:34:11:307 1b28 new buf size: 430
15:34:11:313 1b28 parse packet: 392
15:34:11:318 1b28 remove first packet 37
15:34:11:323 1b28 new buf size: 37
15:34:11:329 1b28 parse packet: 36
15:34:11:335 1b28 DCR: Authorization failed
: (null)
15:34:11:341 1b28 new buf size: 0
15:34:15:330 1d9c Setting DAG epoch #85 for GPU #0
15:34:15:337 1d9c Create GPU buffer for GPU #0
15:34:15:345 1d9c CUDA error - cannot allocate big buffer for DAG. Check readme.txt for possible solutions.
15:34:16:420 6dc got 248 bytes
15:34:16:426 6dc buf: {"id":0,"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":["0x5b9648190a105f2a71feecfbe8cdcc68def1c883c5a106ec9061c8eebfeccec0","0xce63b9b4f2987aaa54138176d7d0c4e2417fea4e3d7ca4ae3e921ae5e81310f0","0x0112e0be826d694b2e62d01511f12a6061fbaec8bc02357593e70e52ba","0x275931"]}
15:34:16:432 6dc parse packet: 247
15:34:16:438 6dc eth: job changed
15:34:16:444 6dc new buf size: 0
15:34:16:450 6dc ETH: 11/06/16-15:34:16 - New job from us1.ethermine.org:4444
15:34:16:457 6dc target: 0x0000000112e0be82 (diff: 4000MH), epoch #85
15:34:16:462 6dc ETH - Total Speed: 0.000 Mh/s, Total Shares: 0, Rejected: 0, Time: 00:00
15:34:16:533 6dc ETH: GPU0 0.000 Mh/s
15:34:16:567 6dc DCR - Total Speed: 0.000 Mh/s, Total Shares: 0, Rejected: 0
15:34:16:575 6dc DCR: GPU0 0.000 Mh/s
15:34:17:620 6dc got 248 bytes
15:34:17:626 6dc buf: {"id":0,"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":["0x374ad34adaf34d184635043e32365818759b582434bf567eb136931fc2c80efc","0xce63b9b4f2987aaa54138176d7d0c4e2417fea4e3d7ca4ae3e921ae5e81310f0","0x0112e0be826d694b2e62d01511f12a6061fbaec8bc02357593e70e52ba","0x275932"]}
15:34:17:640 6dc parse packet: 247
15:34:17:654 6dc eth: job changed
15:34:17:661 6dc new buf size: 0
15:34:17:667 6dc ETH: 11/06/16-15:34:17 - New job from us1.ethermine.org:4444
15:34:17:674 6dc target: 0x0000000112e0be82 (diff: 4000MH), epoch #85
15:34:17:681 6dc ETH - Total Speed: 0.000 Mh/s, Total Shares: 0, Rejected: 0, Time: 00:00
15:34:17:688 6dc ETH: GPU0 0.000 Mh/s
15:34:17:695 6dc DCR - Total Speed: 0.000 Mh/s, Total Shares: 0, Rejected: 0
15:34:17:702 6dc DCR: GPU0 0.000 Mh/s
15:34:18:387 1cc0 Setting DAG epoch #85 for GPU #0
15:34:18:395 1cc0 GPU 0, CUDA error 11 - cannot write buffer for DAG
15:34:21:211 6dc ETH: checking pool connection...
15:34:21:217 6dc send: {"worker": "", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [], "id": 3, "method": "eth_getWork"}
15:34:21:280 6dc got 248 bytes
15:34:21:285 6dc buf: {"id":3,"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":["0x374ad34adaf34d184635043e32365818759b582434bf567eb136931fc2c80efc","0xce63b9b4f2987aaa54138176d7d0c4e2417fea4e3d7ca4ae3e921ae5e81310f0","0x0112e0be826d694b2e62d01511f12a6061fbaec8bc02357593e70e52ba","0x275932"]}
15:34:21:290 6dc parse packet: 247
15:34:21:296 6dc eth: job is the same
15:34:21:302 6dc new buf size: 0