Yup, was using that same guide the other night. The "Compile and install the driver:" section started giving me issues. First off, I wasn't using Xubuntu. I was using just Ubuntu. But I figured since they are both 12.04, it shouldn't matter. Anyway, I think it was this command that didn't work:
sudo sh ./ati-driver-installer-11-11-x86.x86_64.run --buildpkg Ubuntu/precise
I tried downloading the 13.1 driver instead, but I don't think that worked either. Ran this for the hell of it afterward, and it didn't work either:
sudo dpkg -i fglrx*.deb
After that, my friend did something, and we thought we go the driver installed. So I went on to "Config the AMD Driver" and rebooted the system. Worked so far. Installed CGminer, and that worked as well. Except it was spitting out some sort of "Invalid nonce - HW error", so something. Gave up after 7 hours at it, and just installed BAMT for the time being.
But I'd still like to figure out how to do this since BAMT crashes every one in awhile, and I'd like to use Linux for future Litecoin mining.